About Management Ledger Queries and Reports

There are several ways to view and print data in Management Ledger Profitability models.

  • You can view internal data tables for validating the model; for example the Rule Balancing and Model Validation task area screens. To create reports from these tables, click a button and export them to a Microsoft Excel file (Validating Management Ledger Models).

  • You can use the Manage Queries task area to build and manage Oracle Smart View for Office queries to run against Oracle Essbase data cubes containing Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management data. Then, you can click a button to launch Smart View with the query results (Managing Smart View Queries in Management Ledger Profitability Applications).

  • You can generate preformatted system reports to see lists and descriptions of Management Ledger rule sets and rules or calculation statistics (Creating and Using Management Ledger Reports).

You can also use other Oracle reporting tools or third-party reporting tools to report against Essbase cubes to view calculation results:

  • Oracle Hyperion Web Analysis

  • Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting

  • Microsoft Excel, using Smart View

Using these reporting tools, you can generate reports to view exactly the information you require. The procedures in this section suggest steps you need to take to build the reports, but you must use the supporting documentation for the selected reporting tool for detailed instructions on creating and running reports. For details, see the other topics in the section.