Managing Smart View Queries in Management Ledger Profitability Applications

Use the Manage Queries task area screen to create and organize Smart View queries against an application database.

You can use these queries for management reporting, segmented profitability analysis, rule analysis, input data verification, and more. You can find data of interest without having to research the rule definitions or understand the system dimensions that control how calculated and input data is stored.

Queries can be saved and reused. They also can be exported and imported using Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management.

You can launch some predefined Oracle Smart View for Office integrations from the Rule Balancing screen. The launch data points are represented as blue hyperlinks in the Rule Balancing table. You can drill down further on input or allocation data. For example, you could drill down into certain costs after a calculation runs, or to examine input data that was used in the same run.

If any dimensions or dimension members are renamed or deleted, the Smart View queries that reference those dimensions become invalid. The query validation screen validates all queries, and displays an error message for any invalid queries ().

Smart View queries in Management Ledger applications fail with validation errors when they reference dimension members containing '&' characters in the member name.

Only users provisioned as Interactive Users, Power Users, or Administrators can create, edit, or delete queries. In addition to those users, View Users can also run queries from the application.