Setting Model Level Preferences

You can customize the application to use the display preferences. The settings on the Model Level Preference tab apply to the entire model.

You also specify Oracle Essbase connection information for the selected model.


Although you can change preferences at any point in the life cycle of a model, changes made later in the cycle may result in data loss.

To set model level preferences:

  1. From Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace, select Navigate, then Applications, then Profitability, and then select the application that you want to view.
  2. From Task Areas, select Manage Model, then Model Summary, and then select the Model Level Preference tab.

    The Model Level Preference tab of the Model Summary window is used to set model level preferences, such as currency and intrastage assignments, as well as Essbase connection details.
  3. Under Model Preferences on the Model Level Preference tab, select one or more preferences to control the content of the model. The available preferences are described in Table A-7.

    Table A-7 Model Level Preferences

    Setting Description
    Cost Model Display all associated costs in modeling editors of the application
    Revenue Model Display all associated revenue in modeling editors of the application
    Allow Intrastage Assignment Enable the user to create multiple cost or revenue assignments within one stage.
    Allow Multidimensional Stages Enable the user to create a model stage that is composed of up to three dimensions
  4. Under Essbase Connection Information, enter Essbase connection information for the model. The required information is described in Table A-8.

    Table A-8 Essbase Connection Information

    Setting Action
    Cluster Select the logical name of the Essbase server that provides the connection to the Essbase databases. This name may point to a clustered or non-clustered Essbase server.
    Authentication Type Select Single Sign-On as the Essbase authentication type.
    Connection Type Select the type of connection:
    • Embedded

    • APS

    See the Oracle Hyperion Provider Services Administration Guide.

    APS URL Activated only if APS is selected as the Connection Type

    Select the URL for the APS that represents the Logical Web Application (LWA) of the server on which Oracle Hyperion Provider Services is running.

    The available APS servers are registered in Oracle Hyperion Shared Services registry during configuration.

    By default, the APS URL is http:/localhost:13080/aps/JAPI.

  5. Under Application Type, Standard Allocation is displayed.

    The application type is selected when the application is created in the Profitability Applications Console, and cannot be changed.


    To create a Detailed Allocation application, see Managing Detailed Profitability Models.

  6. Optional: Under Calculation Control, select Concurrent Calculation to enable certain steps within the calc script to be split into multiple scripts that runs concurrently in Essbase, to take advantage of the Exalytics platform’s parallel architecture.

    In Number of Threads, select how many calc scripts you want Essbase to execute at one time.

  7. Click Save Save Button.