Types of Assignments

Assignments may be set in a variety of ways:

  • Interstage Assignments—Have a source and destination combination located in different model stages. For example, an assignment from Stage 1 to Stage 2.

  • Intrastage Assignments—Intrastage assignments are assignments for which the source and destination are located within the same stage.

  • Reciprocal Assignments—Reciprocal assignments are intrastage assignments in which the source and destination for two or more processes transfer costs into each other. A simple reciprocal relationship is defined as the direct allocation from Intersection 1 to Intersection 2, and a direct allocation from Intersection 2 back to Intersection 1. Reciprocal assignments are always intrastage assignments.


    Only simple reciprocal loops are supported in Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management. Complex reciprocal relationships are not supported. For example, a complex reciprocal loop, such as Intersection 1 to Intersection 2 and Intersection 2 to Intersection 3 and Intersection 3 to Intersection 1, is not supported.

    As an example of a reciprocal loop, an assignment for the Human Resources department would transfer some portion of costs for processing payroll or employee reports to Information Technology, while costs for administering Information Technology personnel requirements would be allocated back to Human Resources. Each department is a support function that provides services to the other.

    When creating the model, the reciprocal assignment is defined by the assignments that are set within the loop. When a reciprocal relationship is detected, a specialized calculation process is followed that resolves the reciprocal assignments first, then continues with the normal assignments.

    If a Percentage driver is used in reciprocal allocations, the TotalDriverValueAfterReciprocals will always be a value less than 100, in order to avoid "Unassigned Costs". Any allocations performed after the reciprocal relationships are resolved would convert the Driver to a simple driver.