Accelerator Keys

Defines accelerator keys for Oracle Hyperion Planning accessibility.

Table 11-3 Manage Artifacts - Page-Level Actions

Keys Action
Ctrl+W Create, add, or add child
Ctrl+E Edit
Crtl+Shift+R Rename
Ctrl+M Move
Ctrl+Shift+G Assign access
Crtl+Shift+B Add sibling
Ctrl+B Show ancestors
Ctrl+U Show usage
Ctrl+Shift+U Move up
Ctrl+Shift+D Move down
Ctrl+H Refresh, Sync
Ctrl+F Search default action
Ctrl+Shift+F Focus on the Search input box
Ctrl+S Save
Ctrl+Shift+L Cancel operation
Ctrl+M Add to selected list
Ctrl+Shift+W Add all to selected list
Ctrl+R Remove from selected list
Ctrl+Shift+R Remove all from selected list
Ctrl+Up Arrow Move up selected in the selected list
Ctrl+Down Arrow Move down selected in the selected list
Ctrl+S Save artifact
Ctrl+Shift+S Save as artifact
Ctrl+Shift+P Previous tab
Ctrl+Shift+N Next tab
Esc Cancel
Ctrl+Shift+F Finish

Note: These keys are used for page-level actions for artifact management pages such as form Management, Task List Management, Dimension Editor, and Menu Management.


Table 11-4 Simple Form, Composite Form, and Grid Management

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Focus on Properties tab Alt+P Focus on the Properties tab
Focus on Layout tab Alt+Y Focus on the Layout tab
Layout Tab Alt+G Focus on the Grid Properties Section
Focus on Section Properties panel Alt+M Focus on the Dimensions Properties panel
Focus on Section Properties panel Alt+S Focus on the Section Properties panel
Focus on Smart View Option panel Alt+S Focus on the Smart View Option Panel
Segment View Alt+S Segment View
Focus on Display Properties Panel Alt+I Focus on the Display Properties Panel
Focus on Printing Options Properties panel Alt+P,P Focus on the Printing Options Properties Panel
Focus on Validation Rules Properties panel Alt+ V,V Focus on the Validation Rules properties Panel
Drop selected dimension to POV section Ctrl+Shift+V Drop selected dimension to POV section
Drop selected dimension to Page section Ctrl+Shift+P Drop selected dimension to Page section
Drop selected dimension to Rows section Ctrl+Shift+R Drop selected dimension to Rows section
Drop selected dimension to Columns section Ctrl+Shift+C Drop selected dimension to Columns section
Dimension context menu Enter Tab through row/column header and press Enter to bring up the Context Menu.

Tab through to the Dimension and press Enter to bring up the dimension context menu.

Validation Rules: Access Keys on Validation Panel For Validation Rules Alt+P Focus on Page Section
Member Selector on Point of View section Alt+P,V+Enter Invoke Member Selector on Point Of View section
Member Selector on Page section Alt P,P+Enter Invoke Member Selector on Page section
Other Options tab Alt+O Focus on the Other Options tab
Other Options tab : Access Keys    
Precision Panel Alt+R Focus on the Precision Panel
Business Rules tab Alt+R  
Business Rules : Access Keys    
Business Rules tab Alt+R Focus on the Business Rules tab
Plan type drop-down list Alt+P Focus on the Plan type drop-down list

Table 11-5 Form and Grid Management Keyboard Shortcuts

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Composite Forms Access keys Access keys Show Menu for layout sections
Composite Forms Access keys Alt+Y Select Layout Panel
Composite Forms Access keys Alt+O Toggle selection between Custom Layout/2 Row Layout/2 Column Layout
Composite Forms Access keys Alt+S Select Section properties Panel
Composite Forms Access keys Alt+G Toggle focus and selection between Global Layout Dimension/Common Dimension properties Panel
Keyboard Shortcuts Crtl+Shift+A Display forms as Tabs
Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+N Add form
Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl+Delete Delete selected form
Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+E Edit Form Label
Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+T Move to Top
Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+B Move to Bottom
Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+U Move Up
Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+D Move Down

Table 11-6 Enter Data

Keyboard Equivalent Action

Focus is moved onto the next form. If the form is within a tabbed pane, the tab is disclosed.


If you are working in edit mode within a composite form, you must first press Esc.

Alt+ .

Go to the page dimension.

Table 11-7 Menu Management

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Add, Edit Menu, Menu Item Alt+N Toggle focus on Menu Name or Menu Item Name input boxes.
Select Form Folder or Form button Alt+S Toggle focus on Select Form Folder or Form button.

Table 11-8 Smart Lists

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Create, Edit Smart List Alt+P Focus on the Properties tab.
Entries tab Alt+R Focus on the Entries tab.
Save Smart List edit Alt+S Save the Smart List edit.
Cancel Smart List edit Alt+L Cancel the Smart List edit.
Focus on Preview tab Alt+W Focus on the Preview tab.

Table 11-9 Task Lists

Keyboard Equivalent Action
Alt+K Focus on the Task List tab.
Alt+C Toggle focus between Task List Name and the Clear drop-down list.
Alt+K Focus on the Task Name in the task Detail panel.
Alt+I Focus on the Instructions tab.
See "Rich Text Editor" section for Access and Control Keys for Rich Text Editor  

Table 11-10 User Variables

Keyboard Equivalent Action
Alt+U Focus on the User Variables tab
Alt+S Focus on the Substitution Variables tab

Table 11-11 Business Rules Security

Keyboard Equivalent Action
Alt+M Move the rule
Alt+G Assign Access to rule

Table 11-12 Clear Cell Details

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Keyboard Shortcuts Alt+P Focus on the Plan Type drop-down list
Keyboard Shortcuts Alt+M Toggle focus between Member Selector in static dimension Rows
Keyboard Shortcuts Alt+A Toggle focus between Add All Dimensions button and Add Static Dimension icon in Static Dimension Panel
Keyboard Shortcuts Alt+C Selects, Invokes Clear Action

Table 11-13 Copy Data

Keyboard Equivalent Action
Alt+P Focus on the Plan Type drop-down list
Alt+M Toggle between the Member Selector in static dimension rows
Alt+A Toggle between Static Dimension, Dimension with Source, and Destination Panel
Alt+C Selects, Invokes Copy Action

Table 11-14 Dimension Editor

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Performance Settings Alt+P Focus on the Performance Settings tab
Evaluation Order Alt+O Focus on the Evaluation Order tab
Dimensions tab Alt+R Focus on the Sort options drop-down list
Sort Up Alt+R+Tab Focus on the Sort Up icon command button
Sort Down Alt+R+Tab+Tab Focus on the Sort Down icon Command button
Search list Alt+S Focus on the Search drop-down options list
Search input Alt+S+Tab Focus on the Search input box
Add Dimension Alt+W Focus on Add Dimension
Edit Dimension Alt+G Focus on Edit Dimension
View Dimension Alt+G Focus on View Dimension
Add Child/Sibling Alt+P Focus on the Member Properties tab
UDA tab Alt+U Focus on the UDA tab
Member Formula Alt+M Focus on the Member Formula tab
Member Properties Tab Alt+N Focus on the Name input box
Description input Alt+D Focus on the Description input box
Toggle Alias Table, Smart List Alt+S Toggle focus between:
  • The Alias Table drop-down list and the Alias input box

  • The Smart List drop down list and Data Storage/Data Type

Account Alt+Y Toggle focus on Account drop-down list
Variance Reporting Alt+R Focus on the Variance Reporting drop down list
Time Balance Alt+B Focus on the Time Balance drop-down list
Source Plan Type Alt+P Toggle focus between the Source Plan Type drop down and Plan Type
Hierarchy Type Alt+H Focus on the Hierarchy Type box
Member Formula tab Alt+V Execute Validate
Access Keys Alt+P Focus on the Plan Type drop-down list
Access Keys Alt+P Focus on the Plan Type drop-down list
Custom Attributes Ctrl+0 (zero) Add Custom Attributes
Show Ancestors Ctrl+B Show Ancestors
Options Alt+P Options
Dynamic Time Series Ctrl+J Dynamic Time Series
Summary Time Period Alt+L Add Summary Time Period
Copy Scenario Ctrl+Q Copy Scenario
Keyboard Shortcuts Alt+P Plan type

Table 11-15 Member Formula Script Editor

Script Component Access Keys
Find Ctrl+Alt+ F
Replace Ctrl++Alt+R
Member Selector Alt+Shift+
Function Selector Alt+ Shift+
Variable Selector Alt+Shift+G
Smart List Selector Alt+Shift+M
Trigger auto suggest Ctrl+Space
Comment Ctrl+/
Copy Ctrl+C
Paste Ctrl+V
Cut Ctrl+X
Undo Ctrl+
Format Alt+Shift+O
Verify Syntax Alt +Shift+S
Perform next search for text string instance in the editor (when the Find dialog box is open) Alt+F

Table 11-16 Assign Access Pop-Up

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Users tab Alt+U Focus on the Users tab
Group tab Alt+G Focus on the Group tab
Remove Non Provisioned Users or Groups Alt+R Focus on the Remove Non Provisioned Users or Groups button
Add or Edit Access Pop-up Access Keys Alt+G Toggle focus between the Read, Write, and None boxes

Table 11-17 User Selector (Select and Assign Owner)

Keyboard Equivalent Action
Alt+U Select the Users tab
Alt+G Select the Groups tab

Table 11-18 Currency Conversion

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Currency Conversion Alt+M Toggle between version types
All other actions All other access and actions are completed with tab key traversal  
Exchange Rate Management Alt+C Set Focus on the Create Rate Table icon
Edit Rate Table Alt+I Set Focus on the Edit Rate Table icon
Delete Rate Table Alt+9 Set Focus on the Delete Rate Table icon

Table 11-19 Broadcast Message

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Broadcast Message Alt+S Select or invoke the Send button

Table 11-20 Reports

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Access Keys Alt+O Select the Forms tab
Planning Unit Annotations Alt+P Select the Planning Unit Annotations tab
Planning Unit Tab Alt+S Toggle between select Scenario and version and entity drop down
Planning Unit Tab Alt+M Toggle between Member selector for scenario, Version Entity

Table 11-21 Create or Refresh Database

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent
Create or Refresh Database Tab traversal only

Table 11-22 Outline Load

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Scroll Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow or Right Arrow Scroll left or right
Access Keys Alt+R Run Outline Load
Reset Outline Load Alt+S Reset Outline Load inputs

Table 11-23 Data Load Administration

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Access Keys Alt+L Toggle focus between the Data Load Dimension and the Driver Dimension drop-down lists
Member Selector Alt+M Select Member Selector
Advanced Setting panel Alt+A Add Row
Duplicate Row Alt+U Duplicate Row
Delete Row Alt+R Delete selected row

Table 11-24 Map Reporting Application

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Select Application Alt+A Select Application tab
Select Map Alt+M Select Map dimensions tab
Select point of view Alt+P Select point of view tab
Application Tab    
Access Keys Alt+N Focus on the Application Name input box
Plan type Alt+P Focus on the Plan type drop down in Source application panel
Map Dimensions Tab or Point Of View Tab   Focus Select Member selector
Access Keys Alt+M  

Table 11-25 Planning Unit Hierarchy

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Access Keys Alt+O Selects Approvals Dimension Entity tab
Primary and SubHierarchy selection Alt+P Selects Primary and SubHierarchy selection tab
Assign Owners Alt+G Select Assign Owners tab
Usage Alt+U Selects Usage tab
Approvals Dimension Entity tab    
Access Keys Alt+N Focus on the Hierarchy Name input box
Primary and SubHierarchy selection, Assign Owners tab    
Access Keys Alt+Y Focus on Display button
Reset to DefaultHierarchy Alt+R Selects "Reset to DefaultHierarchy" button
Parent Member Alt+M Toggle focus on Parent Member input field in Parent Member column and Selected Member input box in Selected Members column
Member selector Alt+M Toggle focus on Member selector in "Parent Member" and "Selected Members" column
Relative generation Alt+J Focus on the Relative generation input box
Auto Include Alt+K Focus on the Auto Include checkbox in "Auto Include" Column
Assign Owner Alt+W Toggle focus on Assign Owner input box and Assign owner selector command icon button
Reviewer Alt+R Toggle focus on Reviewer input box and Assign owner selector command icon button
Promotion path Alt+H Selects Promotion path icon command button
Notify These Users Alt+Y Toggle focus on "Notify These Users" input box and user selector command icon button
Search Alt+S Toggle focus on search drop-down list/Search input box

Table 11-26 Plan Type Editor

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl+S Save plan type
Add plan type Ctrl+W Add plan type
Delete plan type Ctrl+Delete Delete plan type

Table 11-27 Scenario Version Assignment

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Actions Alt+A Focus on the Actions icon in the table
File Based Export Import Tab key traversal only  
Manage Approvals    
Access Keys Alt+R Toggle focus between the Scenario, and Version drop-down lists
Search drop-down list Alt+S Focus on the Search drop-down list
Search box Alt+S+Tab Focus on Search box
Out of Office Assistant Alt+O Focus on the Out of Office Assistant link
Exclude button Alt+X Focus on the Exclude button on Plan Cycle column
Start button Alt+T Focus on the Start button on Plan Cycle column
Promotional path Alt+P Focus on the Promotional path icon command button

Table 11-28 Copy Version

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Access Keys Alt+S Select Scenario drop-down list
Toggle focus from Copy From to Copy To Alt+C Toggle focus between Copy From to Copy To drop-down list
Go Alt+G Select Go Button
Toggle focus from available to selected entities Alt+M Toggle focus between Available entities and selected Entities
Copy Data Alt+P Selects Copy Data button

Table 11-29 Business Rules

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Business Rules Alt+P Toggle focus between Plan type and Rule type drop-down list
Display only launchable rules, rulesets, and calc script Alt+Y Focus on the "Display only launchable rules, rulesets, and calc script" checkbox

Table 11-30 Job Console

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Job Status Alt+S Toggle focus between Start Time and End Time input boxes
Toggle Start Time and End Time Alt+S+Tab Toggle focus between Start Time and End Time input date time selector
Job type Alt+J Focus on the Job type drop-down list
Status Alt+U focus on Status drop-down list
Toggle Job Name, Username Alt+N Toggle focus on Job Name, Username input Box
Go Alt+G Selects Go button

Table 11-31 Diagnostics (Grid)

Keyboard Equivalent Action
Alt+V Toggle focus between Available forms and Selected form
Alt+R Selects "Run Diagnostics" button
Alt+D Toggle focus between Tabular and Chart buttons

Table 11-32 Member Selector

Access Keys Keyboard Equivalent Action
Member Selector Alt+M Focus on the Members tab
Variables tab Alt+R Focus on the Variables tab
Members tab Alt+N Focus on the Search box
Display properties Alt+P Shift Focus to Display properties
Toggle filtered search Alt+F Toggle focus on filtered search icon
Search Up Alt+U Focus on Search Up
Search Down Alt+S Focus on Search Down
Toggle Keep only functions, Attributes, and Generations Alt+K Toggle focus on Keep only functions, Attributes, and Generations icon
Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+F Toggle focus on Function Selector
Variables Tab Alt+V Toggle focus on User Variables Panel and Substitution Variables Panel

Table 11-33 Comments - Pop Up

Keyboard Equivalent Action
Alt+C Focus on the Comments Panel
Alt+A Focus in Add button
Alt+E Focus on the Existing Comments Panel
Alt+Y Focus on the "Apply to all selected cells" checkbox

Table 11-34 Document Attachment

Keyboard Equivalent Action
Alt+X Focus on Delete
Alt+E Focus on the Edit Icon command button
Alt+A Focus on the Add Icon Command button
Alt+Y Focus on the "Apply to all selected cells" checkbox

Table 11-35 Accelerator Keys Reserved for Page-Level Components

Accelerator Key Used In Function
Ctrl+Alt+W Pop-up Toggle focus between open popups.
Ctrl+Shift+W Messaging, Secondary Windows Toggle focus between open popups.
Ctrl+Alt+P Splitter Give focus to splitter bar.

Table 11-36 Access Keys For Various Browsers

Browser Operating System Key Combination Action
Mozilla Firefox Linux Alt+Shift+mnemonic Click
Mozilla Firefox Mac OS X Ctrl+mnemonic Click
Mozilla Firefox Windows Alt+Shift+mnemonic Click
Microsoft Edge Windows Alt+mnemonic Click or set focus


For Google Chrome, to move the cursor focus out of a grid, press Ctrl+Alt+E.

Table 11-37 Shortcut Keys Assigned to Common Components

Shortcut Key Components Action



All components Activate the component, or the component element that has the focus.



All components

Flash components like ThematicMap, Graph, and Gauge

Move focus to next or previous editable component.
Ctrl+A All components Select all.

Left Arrow

Right Arrow

Menu Bar


Input Number Slider

Input Range Slider

Input Number Spinbox

Move focus to different menu on a menu bar.

Move splitter left or right when it is in focus.

Move slider left or right when input number slider or input range slider is in focus.

Increment or decrement the value when input number box is in focus.

Up Arrow

Down Arrow



Input Number Slider

Input Range Slider

Move focus to different menu items in a menu.

Move splitter up or down when it is in focus.

Move slider up or down when input number slider or input range slider is in focus.

Table 11-38 Shortcut Keys for Rich Text Editor

Shortcut Key Action
Ctrl+B Boldface
Ctrl+I Italics
Ctrl+U Underline
Ctrl+5 Strikethrough
Ctrl+E Center alignment
Ctrl+J Justify
Ctrl+L Align text left
Ctrl+R Align text right
Ctrl+H Create hyperlink
Ctrl+M Increase indent
Ctrl+Shift+M Decrease indent
Ctrl+Shift+H Remove hyperlink
Ctrl+Shift+S Clear text styles
Ctrl+Alt+- Subscript
Ctrl+Alt++ Superscript
Ctrl+Z Undo

Table 11-39 Shortcut Keys Assigned to Table, Tree, and Tree Table

Shortcut Key Components Action




Tree Table

Move focus to next or previous cell or editable component.

In a table, navigate to the next or previous editable content in cells. If the focus is on the last cell of a row in the table, the Tab key moves focus to the first editable cell in the next row. Similarly, Shift+Tab moves focus to the previous row.




Tree Table

Launch context menu.





Tree Table

Navigate to the next editable cell or previous editable cell of the column.

Makes selection of focused node in tree.

If the focus is on the filter cell, perform table filtering. Makes selection of focused node in tree.

Left Arrow

Right Arrow


Tree Table

Move focus.

Up Arrow

Down Arrow


Tree Table

Move focus.

If a row is selected, then move focus to the previous row or next row. If no row is selected, scroll the table one row up or down.

If the first row is selected, move focus to the column header.

Shift+Up Arrow

Shift+Down Arrow


Tree Table


Select multiple rows of column values.


On row/column headers, select entire row/column.


Select multiple rows.


Tree Table

Remove selection.

If the focus is on the cell, exit click-to-edit mode, revert the cell value to original value, and return focus to the cell. Press Esc key again to move focus to the row header.

Table 11-40 Shortcut Keys for My Task List

Shortcut Key Action
Up Arrow Move focus up in My Task List
Down Arrow Move focus down in My Task List
Ctrl+Right Arrow Expand element in My Task List
Ctrl+Left Arrow Close element in My Task List