Access Keys for Left Pane Accordion Controls

Defines access keys for left pane accordion controls for Oracle Hyperion Planning accessibility.

Table 11-1 General Access Keys

Keys Action
Alt+M+Enter Open the Forms accordion.
Alt+L+Enter Open the My Task Lists accordion.
Alt+L+Enter Open the Task Lists accordion.
Alt+S+Enter Open the Dimension accordion.
Alt+B+Enter Open the Business Rule Security accordion.
Alt+R+Enter Open the Preferences accordion.

Table 11-2 Left Pane Navigation

Keys Action
Alt+M Focus on the Forms Accordion
Alt+L Focus on the Task List Accordion or My Task List Accordion. For planners, Alt+L focuses on My Task List Accordion.

For administrators and Interactive users:

  1. First, focus moves to Task Lists Management.

  2. Pressing Alt+L again moves focus to My Task List accordion.

Alt+S Focus on the Dimension Editor accordion
Alt+B Focus on the Business Rules Security accordion
Alt+R Focus on the Preferences accordion
Alt+Z+Tab Move focus to the first available field on the right content pane.
Alt+O Focus on the Form Folder sub accordion
Alt+M Focus on the Forms sub accordion
Alt+U Focus on the Business Rules sub accordion
Note: After the focus moves to the accordion, pressing Enter toggles between expand and collapse actions. These keyboard shortcuts are for page level actions for the Planning artifact management pages such as Form Management, Task List Management, Dimension Editor, and Menu Management.