Find and Search

  • Table 7-76 Keyboard Shortcuts for the Find Dialog Box
  • Table 7-77 Keyboard Shortcuts for the Search Tab

Table 7-76 Keyboard Shortcuts for the Find Dialog Box

Keys Element Name
Alt+F Find
Alt+C Match Case
Alt+W Match Word
Alt+A Apply to current selection

Table 7-77 Keyboard Shortcuts for the Search Tab

Keys Element Name
Alt+N Name
Alt+T Type
Alt+L Look In
Alt+B Browse
Alt+S Search
Alt+C Clear

After clicking Search or pressing Alt+S, if there are search results returned, press Tab to move focus to the Search Result portion of the Search tab, and navigate the search results. If there are no search results, you may not tab to the Search Results portion of the tab and this message appears: No elements found in search. See "Accessing Elements in the Metadata Navigator and Data Source Navigator" in Keyboard Shortcuts for Access and Navigation, which contains instructions for navigating within a tree structure.