Additional Command-Line Utilities

Activity Change Report

The Activity Change Report Utility generates a report that tracks what artifacts have changed functionally in a Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System environment for a specific time period or a specific application.

acr.bat -<number of days> -app<application name>


  • A properties file with the user name and password. The content of is:

  • –d: Number of days. Values are:

    • -X = Fewer than x number of days

      For example, -1 generates the report for artifacts changed in the last day.

    • +X = More than x number of days

      For example, +3 generates the report for artifacts changed more than 3 days ago.

  • -app: Application name

    • Application Display Name = Only this application

    • * or ALL = All applications.

The output from the [-acr] command is generated in the Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management default file system location in a folder named Reports. The name of the report is in the format of acr_mm_dd_yyyy_hh_mm_ss.html.


For information on using Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console to track changes to artifacts in an EPM System enviornment, see Artifact Change Report.


The EPMExportAll Utility clones all the applications in an environment.

When using EPMExportAll, keep in mind the following:

  • All applications are exported under a single folder.

  • Only applications that are LCM-enabled are exported.

  • You can automate this task to be used as a backup or a snapshot of the environment.

EPMExportAll takes a properties file ( as input. The file contains the user name and password.

For example:



The EPMImportAll Utility imports all the applications cloned in EPMExportAll into another environment.

When using EPMImportAll, consider the following:

  • You can only execute EPMImportAll in an environment where there are no applications for Oracle Hyperion Planning, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management, and Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management.

  • You must copy the cloned export content in the EPMExportAll folder from the source environment to the target environment in the same File System folder location.

  • By default EPMImportAll uses the import.xml from the EPMExportAll folder to execute the import.

EPMImportAll takes a properties file ( as input. The file contains the user name and password.

For example:
