Essbase Artifact Listing

Oracle Essbase artifacts are listed in the Essbase application group in Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console.


The artifacts displayed in Shared Services Console vary by implementation.

About the Artifact Listing

Note the following about the artifact listing:

  • Artifact—Artifact name

  • Description—Artifact description

  • Last Modified Time—If this parameter is supported, reflects the time the artifact was imported. Some artifacts do not support the last modified time parameter.

  • Last Modified User—If this parameter is supported, reflects the user who last modified the artifact. Some artifacts do not support the last modified user parameter.

  • Editable on the File System—If yes, the artifact can be edited on the file system using a text editor. If no, the artifact can be edited only within the product.

  • Dependencies—Lists artifact dependencies. For example, Essbase Security Filters artifacts also require that Oracle Hyperion Shared Services security artifacts be migrated.

Essbase Server Artifacts

The Essbase Server directory contains substitution variable artifacts.

Table C-1 Essbase Server Artifacts

Artifact Description Last Modified Time Last Modified User Editable on the File System? Dependencies
Custom-Defined Macros and Functions Calculation functions No No Yes—XML None
Substitution Variables Global placeholders for regularly changing information No No Yes—XML None

Essbase Application Artifacts

Each application directory (for example, Demo) contains application-specific substitution variable artifacts.

Table C-2 Essbase Application Artifacts

Artifact Description Last Modified Time Last Modified User Editable on the File System? Dependencies
Custom-Defined Macros and Functions Calculation functions No No Yes—XML None
Substitution Variables Global placeholders for regularly changing information No No Yes—XML None

* See notes

Data storage optimizations No No Yes—XML None


  1. Applicable only to ASO applications.
  2. Export and import is supported only within the same operating environment. For example, if you export from a Windows environment, you must also import into a Windows environment.

Essbase Database Artifacts

Each Essbase application contains one or more database directories (for example, Sample.Basic) which, in turn, contain database-specific artifacts.

Table C-3 Essbase Database Artifacts

Artifact Description Last Modified Time Last Modified User Editable on the File System? Dependencies
Calculation Scripts (or Calc Scripts) A set of commands that defines how a database is consolidated or aggregated. A calculation script may also contain commands that specify allocation and other calculation rules separate from the consolidation process. Yes No Yes—TXT None
Data All stored data, whether it is at the input member or aggregated/consolidated at the parent level; for example, Stored Data, Dynamic Calc and Store. No No Yes—TXT Database Outline
Database Properties Properties such as bufferSize, dataCacheSetting, dataFileCacheSetting, indexCacheSetting, sortBufferSize, and so on. No No Yes—XML None
Database Outline Cube Outline file Yes No No None
Disk Volumes

* See Notes

Data storage allocation No No Yes—XML None
Drill-Through Definitions Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management and Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition information No No Yes—XML None
Excel Files External spreadsheet files that you can associate with data cells in Essbase Yes No Yes—TXT, XML None
Location Aliases Descriptors that identify a data source. The location alias specifies a server, application, database, user name, and password. Location aliases are set by DBAs at the database level using Oracle Essbase Administration Services, ESSCMD, or the API. No No Yes—XML None
Report Scripts Text files containing Essbase Report Writer commands that generate production reports Yes No Yes—TXT, XML None
Rule Files Sets of operations that Essbase performs on data values or on dimensions and members when it processes a data source Yes No No None
Security Filters Restrictions that control security access to data values or cells No No Yes—CSV Shared Services security artifacts
Substitution Variables Global placeholders for regularly changing information No No Yes—XML None
Text Files Text files used for loading data into Essbase cubes Yes No Yes—TXT None


  1. Applicable only to BSO applications.
  2. Export and import is supported only within the same operating environment. For example, if you export from a Windows environment, you must also import into a Windows environment.