Essbase Migration Considerations

  • Certain text files (for example, MaxL script *.mxl, MaxL *.msh, and MDX script *.mdx) cannot be migrated using Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management.

  • Triggers cannot be migrated using Lifecycle Management. Instead, they can be migrated using MaxL.

  • Partition definitions cannot be migrated using Lifecycle Management. Instead, they can be migrated using MaxL.

  • Custom-defined Macros and Functions cannot be migrated using Lifecycle Management. Instead, they can be migrated using MaxL.

  • Lifecycle Management does not prevent the migration of BSO artifacts into an ASO application and, conversely, ASO application artifacts to a BSO database, as long as the migration does not require creation of a new database at the destination. Outline is the restriction. Hence, data migration, which is dependent on the Outline, also cannot be migrated.

  • Oracle Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in supports Substitution Variables at the Server level.

  • To use Lifecycle Management for Oracle Essbase, Essbase must be in Oracle Hyperion Shared Services mode.

Essbase destination application considerations:

  • The application can be predefined in Oracle Essbase Administration Services, or you can specify the application name in the import.xml file and execute the migration from CLU.

  • The database is created automatically if it does not exist

  • Data source and destination names must be the same

  • If a cube does not exist and is automatically created, the outline is forcibly overwritten even if the "overwrite" flag is not selected.

  • If an empty outline exists, the "Default Calc" artifact is not displayed in the artifact listing under the Calc Scripts directory.

  • If Essbase does not exist in the target environment, Lifecycle Management creates an application shell.