Planning Artifact Listing

Oracle Hyperion Planning artifacts are listed in the Planning application group in Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console.


The artifacts displayed in Shared Services Console vary by implementation.

About the Artifact Listing

Note the following about the artifact listing:

  • Artifact—Artifact name

  • Description—Artifact description

  • Last Modified Time—If this parameter is supported, reflects the time the artifact was last modified. Some artifacts do not support the last modified time parameter.

  • Last Modified User—If this parameter is supported, reflects the user who last modified the artifact. Some artifacts do not support the last modified user parameter.

  • Editable on the File System—If yes, the artifact can be edited on the file system using a text editor. If no, the artifact can be edited only within the product.

  • Dependencies—Lists artifact dependencies. For example, User Preferences artifacts also require that User Variables artifacts be migrated.

Configuration Artifacts

Table H-1 Configuration Artifacts

Artifact Description Last Modified Time Last Modified User Editable on the File System? Dependencies
Adhoc Options Suppress options, precision options, replacement options, and other miscellaneous options that affect data in web grid No No Yes—XML Ad Hoc Forms
Data Load settings Parameters that users can set to enable data to be loaded directly into an Oracle Essbase database No No Yes—XML Associated Dimensions
Properties—Application Definition and Application Settings Functionality that enables users to set preferences for such aspects as email notification, alias tables, and display options No No Yes—XML None
User Preferences Preferences that users can set for applications, display, printing, and user variables No No Yes—XML User Variables
User Variables Dynamically render data forms based on a users member selection, displaying only the specified entity; for example, a user variable named Department displays specific departments and employees. No No Yes—XML Associated Dimensions

Essbase Data Artifacts

Table H-2 Essbase Data Artifacts

Artifact Description Last Modified Time Last Modified User Editable on the File System? Dependencies
Essbase Data Planning Essbase data No No No None

Global Artifacts

Standard dimensions associated with more than one plan type are listed under Common Dimensions. This section also includes any associated attribute dimensions.

Table H-3 Global Artifacts

Artifact Description Last Modified Time Last Modified User Editable on the File System? Dependencies

Calculation Manager Rulesets

Objects that contain rules and other rulesets that can be calculated simultaneously or sequentially





Common Dimensions—Attribute

A type of dimension that enables analysis based on the attributes or qualities of dimension members. Associated with common standard dimensions. Yes No Yes—CSV None

Common Dimensions (Standard—Account)

A dimension type that makes accounting intelligence available. Only one dimension can be defined as Accounts Yes No Yes—CSV None

Common Dimensions (Standard—Currency)

A dimension representing currency Yes No Yes—CSV None

Common Dimensions (Standard—Entity)

A dimension representing organizational units; for example: divisions, subsidiaries, plants, regions, products, or other financial reporting units Yes No Yes—CSV Currency dimension gets loaded first

Common Dimensions (Standard—Period)

A dimension representing time periods, such as quarters and months Yes No Yes—CSV Year

Common Dimensions (Standard—Request Dimension)

A dimension representing Budget Requests Yes No Yes—CSV None

Common Dimensions (Standard—Scenario)

A dimension for classifying data; for example, Actuals, Budget, Forecast1, and Forecast2 Yes No Yes—CSV Period and Year dimensions, Exchange Rates

Common Dimensions (Standard—Version)

Possible outcome used within the context of a scenario of data; for example, Budget - Best Case and Budget - Worst Case, where Budget is scenario and Best Case and Worst Case are versions Yes No Yes—CSV None

Common Dimensions (Standard—Year)

A dimension representing the fiscal or calendar year for data Yes No Yes—CSV None
Composite Forms Displays members from several data forms simultaneously so you can, for example, enter data into one grid and see the results—such as Total Revenue—aggregated in another Yes No Yes—XML Associated Data Forms
Custom Menus Menus that administrators create that are company- or application-specific. Users can right-click a member and select a menu item to open a URL, data form, or workflow. Yes No Yes—XML If menu is of type Workflow, then Planning Units
Dashboards At-a-glance views of key information organized and presented in a way meaningful to a business need. Yes Yes Yes—XML Associated Data Forms
Decision Package Proposals for new services, programs, business objectives, or outcomes in results based management or outcome based budgeting. Decision packages contain budget requests that identify and justify the costs involved in implementing the decision package. Yes Yes Yes—XML Decision Package Type
Decision Package Attributes Custom attributes used to group, filter, or sort decision packages Yes Yes Yes—XML Smart Lists
Decision Package Type Templates that specify the fundamental data and behavior that define the kind of decision packages and budget requests that budget preparers can create No No Yes—XML Associated forms, mappings, dimensions
Exchange Rates A numeric value for converting one currency to another; for example, to convert 1 USD into EUR, the exchange rate of 0.8936 is multiplied with the U.S. dollar. The European euro equivalent of $1 is 0.8936. Yes No Yes—CSV Currency, Period, and Year
Jobs Customized actions Yes Yes Yes—XML Associated Dimensions
Planning Unit Hierarchies Specifies which application planning units and members are part of the budget process Yes Yes Yes—XML Entity, Scenario, Version and other associated dimensions

Report Mappings

Maps dimensions between Planning applications and reporting applications to enable reporting on Planning data in a reporting application, aggregations and queries on Smart Lists, and linking Planning data to multiple reporting applications for consolidations

Yes Yes Yes—XML Associated dimensions and Smart Lists
Schedules Scheduling information of actions that are set to run at intervals. Yes Yes Yes—XML Associated Business Rules, Report Mappings, Jobs
Smart Lists Custom drop-down lists that users access from data form cells (instead of entering data) No No Yes—CSV None
Spread Patterns A custom spreading pattern that determines how data is distributed from a parent to its children. The pattern is available from the Mass Allocate and Grid Spread menus. No No Yes—XML None
Substitution Variables Global placeholders for information that changes regularly No No No None
Task Lists A detailed status list of tasks for a particular user Yes No Yes—XML If task is of type Data Form, then associated Data Form. If task is of type Workflow, then Planning Units.
Valid Combination Rule Rules that define valid dimensional intersections for data entry in Planning forms. Yes Yes Yes—XML Associated Dimensions

Plan Type Artifacts

Plan types are used to store Planning application information in the Essbase database. A separate database stores data for each plan type in the application and contains information relevant to that plan type to optimize application design, size, and performance. The default Planning plan types include Plan1, Plan2, and Plan3.

Table H-4 Plan Type Artifacts

Artifact Description Last Modified Time Last Modified User Editable on the File System? Dependencies
Attribute Dimensions A list of dimensions whose type enables analysis based on the attributes or qualities of dimension members Yes No Yes—CSV None
Calc Scripts A set of commands that define how a database is consolidated or aggregated. A calculation script may also contain commands that specify allocation and other calculation rules separate from the consolidation process. Yes No Yes None
Calculation Manager Rules Objects that can contain templates and calculations that are grouped in components Yes Yes Yes—XML None
Data Forms A grid display that enables users to enter data into the database from an interface such as a web browser, and to view and analyze data or related text. Certain dimension member values are fixed, giving users a specific view into the data.

Data forms can include predefined data validation rules that help implement business policies and practices. Errors or warnings are generated on the data form if entered data violates a validation rule.

Yes No Yes—XML Associated menus, user variables, and dimensions
Report Scripts Text files containing Planning Report Writer commands that generate production reports Yes No Yes None
Rules files Logical expressions or formulas that are created within an application to produce a preferred set of resulting values Yes No No (Yes—Oracle Essbase Administration Services) None

Standard Dimensions

A list of dimensions associated with a single plan type Yes No Yes—CSV Attribute Dimensions, if any
Substitution Variables Global placeholders for information that changes regularly No No No None

Relational Data Artifacts

Table H-5 Relational Data Artifacts

Artifact Description Last Modified Time Last Modified User Editable on the File System? Dependencies
Account Annotations Comments associated with accounts that can be plain text or URL links No No Yes—XML Account, Entity, Scenario, and Version Dimensions
Announcements Information displayed on the Home page when logging in to the system No No Yes—XML None
Cell text Text annotations associated with cells No No Yes—XML None
Planning Units A data slice at the intersection of a scenario, version, and entity; the basic unit for preparing, reviewing, annotating, and approving plan data No No Yes—XML Entity, Scenario, and Version Dimensions
Sandbox Changes

Details of the forms in which data modifications are made for every sandbox. Used for Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management cloning.

Note: To migrate sandbox data using Lifecycle Management, you refresh the cube before exporting the Planning application.

No No No Forms, Essbase Data, and Version dimension
Supporting Detail Calculations and assumptions from which the values of cells are derived No No Yes—XML None
Tablet Access Artifacts (forms, tasks, rules and rulesets) made available on a tablet user interface. No No Yes—XML Forms, Tasks, Rules and Rulesets
Text Values Text that is stored as data in cells whose data type is text No No Yes—XML None

Security Artifacts


Access permissions are a set of operations that a user can perform on a resource.

Table H-6 Security Artifacts

Artifact Description Last Modified Time Last Modified User Editable on the File System? Dependencies
Access Permissions—Users Company personnel who are provisioned as valid system users No No Yes—XML None
Access Permissions—Groups A container for assigning similar access permissions to multiple users Yes No Yes—XML None