Planning Migration Prerequisites

  • Install and configure Oracle Hyperion Shared Services and Oracle Hyperion Planning and verify that they are running.
  • Ensure that users performing Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management operations are assigned the LCM Administrator, Planning Administrator, and Application Creator roles.
  • Ensure that read access permissions are assigned to the LCM Administrator for task lists.
  • Before migrating a Planning application, migrate the Shared Services artifacts (users, groups, and provisioning). See Migrating Native Directory (Security) for a list of Shared Services artifacts.


    To use Lifecycle Management for Planning or Oracle Essbase, Essbase must use Shared Services and not a legacy security mode.

  • The following application-level Calendar properties must match in both the source and destination applications:
    • Start year
    • Base time period (for example, 12 months, Quarters, and Custom)
    • Start month
  • The Period Dimension members must match in both the source and destination applications. For example, if the Period dimension in the source has a "Quarter 1" member, a "Quarter 1" member must exist in the destination.
  • Source and destination plan types must match (for example, if the source application has a plan type called Plan1, a Plan1 plan type must exist and in the destination application).
  • Source and destination plan types must be assigned in the same order (for example, if the source application has Plan1 and Plan2, Plan1 and Plan2 plan types must appear in the same order in the destination application).
  • If the source has a "Single Currency" application type, then the destination application should be of the same type.
  • The Application Type (General, Project Financial Planning, Public Sector Planning and Budgeting) must match in both the source and the destination applications.
  • For Oracle Hyperion Public Sector Planning and Budgeting, the configuration options must match between the source and the destination applications. For example, if the source application has a type of "Position and Employee", then the destination application should also have a type of "Position and Employee".
  • If the decision package option is enabled for the source application, then it must also be enabled for destination application.
  • To migrate sandbox data using Lifecycle Management, you must refresh the cube before exporting the Planning application.