Searching Artifacts

You can view artifact search options using the Search Artifacts option above the artifact listing.

To search for artifacts in Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console:

  1. Launch Shared Services Console.
  2. View artifacts. See Viewing Artifacts.
  3. On the Artifact List tab, click Search Artifacts.
  4. Enter search options:
    • Artifact Name—The name of the artifact. Use an asterisk (*) as the wildcard in pattern searches or to search for artifacts that match filter conditions. For example, entering A* returns all artifacts that begin with A (or lowercase a, because the search is not case-sensitive). *A returns all artifacts that end with A (or lowercase a).

    • Date Modified—Choose from these options:

      • Today—Artifacts modified today

      • Yesterday—Artifacts modified yesterday

      • Last 7 days—Artifacts modified within the last seven days

      • Last Month—Artifacts modified last month

      • Date Range—Artifacts modified within a specified date range (start and end dates, inclusive).


      Artifacts that do not support the modified date are always displayed.

      For a listing of artifacts that do not support the modified date or time, see the appendixes at the end of this guide.

    • Start Date—Beginning date of date range; for example, 01/01/2008

    • End Date—Ending date of a date range; for example, 01/31/2008

    • Modified By—Name of the user. Use an asterisk (*) as the wildcard in pattern searches or to search for artifacts that match filter conditions. The search is not case-sensitive.


    If no search criteria is entered, all artifacts for the application are displayed.

  5. Click Search.