Migrating Artifacts

You can migrate artifacts to and from the file system in the following instances:

  • When the source and destination are registered to the same Oracle Hyperion Shared Services instance

  • When the source and destination are registered to different Shared Services instances but with a shared file system

If the source and destination are not registered to the same Shared Services instance and are not on the same network, you can export artifacts to an intermediary file system and use FTP, DVD, or another transfer method to transfer the intermediary file system to the destination system.


In a transfer scenario, ensure that the file system folder is copied directly into the import_export folder in MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/epmsystem1.

Exporting to the File System

The file system location is on the Shared Services Java web application server computer. The default destination on the Shared Services computer is MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/epmsystem1/import_export. Applications or artifacts exported (or copied) to the file system location are displayed under the File System node in the View pane. When artifacts are exported to the file system, they retain the last modified time the artifact was updated in the native product.

To export artifacts and applications to the file system using Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console:

  1. Launch Shared Services Console.

    See Launching Shared Services Console.

  2. Select Administration, and then Migration Options.

  3. On the Migration Options tab, review the export options for the migration.

    Only the options for the products that are installed are displayed. The options differ by product, and not all products have export options. You can accept the default options without making any changes if desired.

    For a listing of options by product, see Setting Migration Options, or refer to the appendixes at the end of this guide.

  4. If you made any changes to the migration options, click Save.

  5. Expand the Application Groups node and select the applications to export.

    When you select an application, an Artifact List tab displays the application and repository artifacts for that application.

  6. On the Artifact List tab for each application, select the artifacts to export.


    You cannot migrate (export or import) Financial Reporting User Preferences using Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management.

    To select an individual artifact, click the checkbox next to the artifact. To select all the artifacts, click Select All.

  7. Click the Export button at the bottom right of Shared Services Console.

  8. In the Export dialog box, enter the File System Folder where the artifacts will be exported, and then click Export.

    A default file system folder name is displayed in the format of username DD-MM-YY Hour_Min; for example, admin 03-01-12 09_32. You can either accept the default or enter a different file system folder name.

    Note that Lifecycle Management does not allow characters in a folder name that are not supported by the native operating system. For example, Windows does not allow colons in a folder name, so neither does Lifecycle Management.

    All the applications and artifacts selected are exported to the specified file system folder. (You do not need to specify different file system folders if you have more than one application.)

    If you specify a file system folder name that already exists on the file system, you will be prompted to provide a new file system folder name.

  9. View the migration status on the Migration Status Report tab.

    See Migration Status Report.

After the artifacts are successfully migrated, a new file system folder is created under the File System node in Shared Services Console. When you expand the file system folder, the applications are displayed with the product name followed by the application name.


Artifacts that are migrated to the file system can be secured. The first level of security is file system security. To limit access to artifacts on the file system, modify the permissions on the import_export folder to ensure that the user who starts Shared Services has full permissions on the import_export folder; no other user has these permissions. If an additional level of security is needed, the content of the import_export folder can be moved to a password-protected container such as Winzip, or it can be encrypted on the file system using PGP or other data encryption methods. Ensure that before the artifacts are imported from the file system, they are unencrypted by the authorized user.

Re-exporting Artifacts to the File System

You can re-export artifacts to the file system if desired. To re-export artifacts, right-click a folder under the File System node and select Repeat Export.

When you repeat an export, the artifacts get exported into a new file system folder. To re-import the artifacts, right-click the folder under the File System node and select Import. (You should check the migration options set for the product before importing.)

Importing from the File System

The file system location is on the Shared Services Java web application server computer. The default destination on the Shared Services computer is MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/epmsystem1/import_export. Applications or artifacts exported (or copied) to the file system location are displayed under the File System node in the View pane. When artifacts are exported to the file system, they retain the last modified time the artifact was updated in the native product.

To import artifacts and applications from the file system using Shared Services Console:

  1. Back up the destination environment.

  2. Launch Shared Services Console.

    See Launching Shared Services Console.

  3. Select Administration, and then Migration Options.

  4. On the Migration Options tab, define the import options for the migration.

    Only the options for the products that are installed are displayed. The options differ by product, and not all products have import options. You can accept the default options without making changes if desired.

    For a listing of options by product, see Setting Migration Options, or refer to the appendixes at the end of this guide.

  5. Expand the File System node and select the applications to import.

    When you select an application, an Artifact List tab displays the application and repository artifacts for that application.

  6. Import the artifacts in one of the following ways:

    • Right-click a File System folder, and then select Import.

      This imports all the applications in that folder. If you select to import a File System folder, a dialog box is displayed asking you to confirm that you want to proceed with the import.

    • Right-click an individual application under a File System folder, and then select Import.

    • On the Artifact List tab for each application, select the artifacts to import, and then click the Import button at the bottom right of Shared Services Console.

      The Import button is disabled for users assigned the Designer Role.

  7. In the Import dialog box, select the application to import, and the click Import.

    By default, the application name from the File System (migration definition file) is displayed. The application will be created if it does not already exist.

  8. View the migration status on the Migration Status Report tab.

    See Migration Status Report.