Steps to Download and Upload Application Artifacts

To download and upload application artifacts:

  1. In your existing environment, launch Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console.
  2. Expand the File System node in the View pane.
  3. Right-click a File System folder and select Download.

    The Download option is available only if the file system folder is a ZIP file on the server. The file system folder is compressed by Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management during the export operation only if the folder size is less than or equal to 2 GB. For content greater than 2 GB, you must use a mechanism such as FTP to move the content from one environment to another.

    File System Node expanded with Planning File System folder right-clicked and the Download option selected on the menu
  4. In the File Download dialog box, click Save to save the application artifacts as a ZIP file.

    The entire contents of the ZIP file is downloaded as one file.

  5. In your new environment, launch Shared Services Console, and then expand the File System node.
  6. Right-click the File System node, select Upload, and select the ZIP file to upload.

    If the ZIP file already exists, the upload is aborted. You can rename the ZIP file before uploading if desired.

    File System Node right-clicked and the Upload option selected on the menu