Assigning Access to Forms and Folders

Administrators can assign access to forms, form folders, and Oracle Hyperion Calculation Manager business rule folders. (For information on assigning access to business rules and members, see Types of Access Permissions and Assigning Access to Members and Business Rules.)


  • Forms:

    • Planners and interactive users can view or enter data only into forms to which they have access (and can work only with members to which they have access).

    • Administrators and interactive users can design forms.

    • Interactive users can access forms they created or to which an administrator assigned them access.

    • Administrators have write access to all dimension members and to all forms.

  • Business rules: Planners can see and launch only business rules to which they are assigned Launch access.

  • Form folders and business rule folders:

    • Planners who are assigned access to a form folder can access the forms in that folder, unless they are assigned more specific access. Likewise, planners have Launch access to the Calculation Manager business rules in folders to which they are assigned access, unless they are assigned more specific access.

    • When you assign access to a folder, all folders under it inherit that access.

    • If you assign specific access (for example, None or Write) to a form folder, that access permission takes precedence over its parent folder's access permissions. For example, if a user has Write access to Folder1 that contains Folder2 to which the user has None access, the user can open Folder1, but does not see Folder2.

    • If you assign specific access (for example, Launch) to a Calculation Manager folder, that access permission takes precedence over its parent folder's access permissions. For example, if a user has Launch access to RulesFolder1 that contains RulesFolder2 to which the user has No Launch access, the user can open RulesFolder1, but does not see RulesFolder2.

    • If a user has None access to a form folder called Folder1 that contains a form called Form1 to which the user has Write access, the user can see Folder1 and Form1.

    • If a user has No Launch access to a Calculation Manager folder called RulesFolder1 that contains a business rule called Rule1 to which the user has Launch access, the user can see RulesFolder1 and Rule1.

For procedures, see Adding, Changing, and Removing Access to Forms and Folders.