Clearing an Essbase Block Using the /ICB Parameter

Outline Load utility data import does not import #missing values. To ensure the correct Oracle Essbase cells will contain #missing values, clear the block (which sets all cells in the block to #missing) to be loaded with the /ICB command on all data imports.

For example, the value for ACUR in the following graphic is blank or #missing:

Example of a blank or #missing value.

And the value for aCur in the resulting Oracle Hyperion Planning form will be blank or #missing:

Example of the resulting Planning form when a value is blank or #missing.

The following is an example of a properties file named which includes the /ICB parameter:

Command line: OutlineLoad /CP:c:/

Properties file:


/ICB:e1,"aUnspec,aCur,aNonCur,aPer,aSL,aDate,aText","FY12,Current, BU Version_1, Local,Jan",Plan1

#Use /IRA switch if relational table from which data is imported is in the same relational database as the Planning app (e.g. DB2APP)

DATA_IMPORT_QUERY3 = SELECT "ENTITY" as "Entity" ,"DATA LOAD CUBE NAME" as "Data Load Cube Name","AUNSPEC" as "aUnspec","ACUR" as "aCur","ANONCUR" as "aNonCur","APER" as "aPer","ASL" as "aSL","ADATE" as "aDate","ATEXT" as "aText","POINT-OF-VIEW" as "Point-of-View" from DataTable1