Setting Outline Load Utility Drivers Using the /SDM Parameter

Before importing data, you can use the /SDM parameter to set Load Dimension and Driver Members through Outline Load utility. You can do this instead of using the Administration/Data Load Settings user interface in the Oracle Hyperion Planning application.

The following is an example of a properties file named which includes the /SDM parameter:

Command line: OutlineLoad /CP:c:/

Properties file:


/ICB:"aUnspec,aPer","Jan,Feb,Mar","FY12,Current, BU Version_1, Local,e1,Ron",Plan1

#Use /IRA switch if relational table from which data is imported is in the same relational database as the Planning app (e.g. Test_300)



DATA_IMPORT_QUERY5 = SELECT Account ,"Data Load Cube Name", Jan,Feb,Mar,"Point-of-View" from Data_Table2

The following example is a relational table:

Example of a relational table before importing data using the /SDM parameter.

The resulting Planning application form:

Example of a Planning form after importing data using the /SCM parameter.