Creating Spreading Patterns

Administrators who understand SQL can create custom spreading patterns, accessible from the Grid Spread and Mass Allocate dialog boxes, by adding them to the HSP_SPREAD_PATTERN database table.

To add a custom spreading pattern:

  1. Open the HSP_SPREAD_PATTERN database table.
  2. Enter row values to name and represent how values are spread from a parent cell:

    Table 13-6 HSP_SPREAD_PATTERN Table

    Column Description

    NAME — VARCHAR (80)


    Internal name (not displayed)

    LABEL — VARCHAR (80)


    Reference to a string ID in the resource file, which displays in the user interface. If a string resource is not created, the LABEL string identifier displays instead (for example "Label_Spread_445").


    VARCHAR (255)


    Space delimited; one or more elements, up to 255 characters:
    • A number: For example, to specify that the parent value splits evenly across its children, specify 1.

    • !: Lock; do not change the value of a cell that has "!" as its pattern element.

    • P: Parent value being spread. A child receives the exact value the parent receives.

    • *: Repeat the element that follows. Use 1* to repeat 1 for every cell, to take up the rest of the space in the applied pattern. If no * exists as part of an element within a pattern, the entire pattern repeats itself instead of a specific element. A pattern cannot contain only the * character, and can have only one element with the * character. For example, 1 2* 3 is allowed, but 1 2* 3* is not.

  3. Save and close the table.

    The new patterns display as spreading options on the Grid Spread and Mass Allocate dialog boxes.

See also the Oracle Hyperion Planning User's Guide and Examples of Spreading Patterns.