Customizing Text in Non-Latin Languages

You can customize text in the Oracle Hyperion Planning Web interface for non-Latin languages by updating the HspCustomMsgs_en.template file. This example shows how to update the file for the Russian language.

To customize HspCustomMsgs_en.template:

  1. Locate HspCustomMsgs_en.template in the /custom directory.
  2. If you are customizing the labels for a specific language, such as Russian, rename the template file to use a .source extension, such as HspCustomMsgs_ru.source.
  3. Review the source file for the language, such as HspCustomMsgs_ru.source, to determine which labels in the file need to be customized. Add the translation for the labels to the .source file, remove all other labels, and save the file. (You need only customize the labels in this file.)
  4. Perform one action:
    • For languages such as Russian, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese, continue to step 5 to create the Java property file.

    • For Latin1 languages, such as Danish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, and Swedish, create the property file manually by saving the .source file (such as HspCustomMsgs_ru.source) with a .properties extension, such as

  5. Complete this step to use the native2ascii program to convert source strings to Unicode strings to create a custom property file for the language, such as To use this program, you must enter the encoding for the language, such as Cp1251 for Russian. The usage:

    native2ascii [-encoding language_encoding] [inputfile_name[outputfile_name]]

    Table 13-5 Examples of Language Encoding Parameters

    Language Encoding Parameter
    Russian Cp1251
    Turkish Cp1254
    Japanese SJIS
    Simplified Chinese EUC_CN
    Traditional Chinese Big5
    Korean EUC_KR
    1. Ensure that the native2ascii program included with the Sun JDK is installed, and note the installation path to this program. Some application servers install this program for you. If it is not installed, you can install the JDK.
    2. Open a command prompt.
    3. Type the path to the native2ascii program, followed by the language encoding parameter and the names of the source and target files to be created. For example:

      C:\j2sdk1.4.2_15\bin\native2ascii —encoding Cp1251 HspCustomMsgs_ru.source

  6. Extract the HyperionPlanning.ear file to a temporary location.
  7. Copy the properties file (such as to the custom directory where HyperionPlanning.war was extracted.
  8. Re-create HyperionPlanning.ear and place the ear file in the following location: EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE_HOME\products\Planning\AppServer\InstallableApps\Common
  9. Remove the extracted \HyperionPlanning from the temporary location.
  10. Restart Planning.
  11. Restart the Web application server.