How Cell Formatting in Smart View Persists in Planning

With the caveats described in this section, the cell formatting that you apply in Oracle Smart View for Office is applied to the same cells in Oracle Hyperion Planning forms.

Administrators can set an application property, SMART_VIEW_MERGE_FORMATTING, that controls whether cell formatting that administrators set in Smart View merge with the cell formatting that non-administrators set in Smart View. See Controlling Smart View Cell Formatting in Planning Forms.

Formatting rules depend on whether the cell formatter is an administrator or a non-administrator:

  • Administrators: All application administrators share the cell formatting that is saved by other administrators. Their formatting is additive. When an administrator applies different formatting to the same cells, the latest changes are displayed in the Planning form. If an administrator clears the cell formatting in Smart View, all formatting settings that non-administrators have saved are also cleared.

  • Non-administrators: When users format cells and save the formatting in Smart View, they see their formatting applied in Planning forms. If users do not save formatting in Smart View, they see the administrators’ formatting in Planning forms. Note that because of security and other filtering options, the displayed formatting may not exactly match the administrators’ saved formatting. Users can either modify the administrators' formatting and save it as their own formatting settings, or clear their own formatting settings, reverting to the administrators' formatting settings.

To select the formatting for a form:

  1. In the form, right-click, and then select Apply.
  2. Select:
    • Cell Styles: To use Planning's formatting

    • Custom Styles: To use the formatting saved in Smart View

For more information:

  • On which Microsoft Excel formatting features are supported in Smart View and Planning, see "About Smart View Formatting in Planning Forms" in the Oracle Hyperion Planning User's Guide.

  • On saving Excel formatting, see the Oracle Smart View for Office User's Guide.