Importing Form Definitions

The ImportFormDefinition utility is in the planning1 directory. For the full path to planning1, see About EPM Oracle Instance.

To launch ImportFormDefinition:

  1. From the planning1 directory, enter the command using this syntax:

    ImportFormDefinition [-f:passwordFile] /A:appname /U:username /F:formname /D:filename [/AR] [/AC] [/SR] [/SC] [/KC] [/KR]

    For a list of parameters, see ImportFormDefinition Utility Parameters.

  2. If prompted, enter your password.

For example:

ImportFormDefinition /A:MyPlan /U:Admin /F: "My Budget" /D:exportfilename /AR /-AC

Creating the form can take some time, depending on the amount of data in the file.

ImportFormDefinition imports the definition to the Oracle Hyperion Planning form, ensuring that all cells having data in the data file are represented on the form. For cells in the data file that contain "#MISSING," rows or columns are not added to the form.


  • If you disable importing rows or columns, ImportFormDefinition filters imported data by rows or columns defined on the form.

  • If you run ImportFormDefinition more than once, it merges new results with the existing form definition, and, if you also specify sorting, sorts new and existing rows or columns by dimension order.