Loading Metadata

Metadata for applications using Oracle Hyperion Planning application administration can be loaded for Account, Period, Year, Scenario, Version, Currency, Entity, user-defined dimensions, attributes, UDAs, and Smart Lists. Values can also be loaded for exchange rates. However, because exchange rate values are loaded into the Planning relational tables, not directly into Oracle Essbase, the procedure for loading metadata still applies.

The utility loads one record at a time. If a record fails to load, a message is written to the exception file, and the load process resumes with the next record. When new members are added, unspecified properties assume the default value or inherit the parent member's property as appropriate. If a member exists and no property value is specified, the property is left as is.

To load metadata:

  1. Generate the load file. See Generating a Metadata Load File.
  2. Test the load file and run the utility.
    1. Locate the Outline Load utility, installed in the planning1 directory.

      For the full path to the planning1 directory, see About EPM Oracle Instance.

    2. To confirm that the load file parses without any errors, run the utility using /N, and check the log file to be sure no error messages were generated. For example:

      C:\EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE\Planning\planning1>OutlineLoad /A:test /U:admin /M /N /I:c:\outline1_ent.csv /D:Entity /L:c:/outlineLoad.log /X:c:/outlineLoad.exc

    3. You can then run the utility from the command prompt, using the case-sensitive command, one space, and the appropriate parameters.

    For detailed information on the parameters available for the Outline Load utility, see Dimension Properties.