Suppressing Password Prompts in Planning Utilities

When running Oracle Hyperion Planning utilities that prompt for passwords, administrators can use an option to suppress password prompts, for example, when running utilities in batch mode. To enable suppressing password prompts, use the PasswordEncryption utility to create a file that stores a password in encrypted form. After the file is set up, you can run Planning utilities with the [-f:passwordFile] option as the first parameter in the command line to skip the password prompt and use the password from the encrypted file. Each password file contains one password, and is stored in the location that you specify when running the utility.

The PasswordEncryption utility uses a command line interface. By default, the utility is installed in the /planning1 directory (for the full path, see About EPM Oracle Instance).

To enable suppressing password prompts in Planning utilities:

  1. Enter this command from the planning1 directory, where passwordFile is the full file path and file name for the password file:
    • Windows: PasswordEncryption.cmd passwordFile

    • UNIX: passwordFile

  2. When prompted, enter your password.

    The masked password is encrypted and stored in the file and location specified in passwordFile. For other Planning utilities with password prompts, you can use [-f:passwordFile] as the first parameter in the command line to skip the prompt and use the encrypted password from the password file specified in passwordFile.