Adding a Temporary Difference Account

You should create a new Temporary Difference account under TempSTTotal or TempGSTotal for National accounts. You should add Regional Temporary Difference accounts under RTempTotal for Regional Account.

You must create the member as a base member under the parent TBBSOtherTaxEquityAdj.

For a Temporary Difference account, you should create a corresponding Equity account with a suffix of Equity. For example, if Temporary Difference account TempST0001 exists, then you should create an Equity account TempST0001Equity.

Account properties for Temporary Difference Accounts

Property Value
Account Type Asset
IsCalculated No
IsConsolidated Yes
PlugAcct <Blank>
RollForward TopMember

ClosingPlusTaxMovement - for National

Closing - for Regional

Jurisdiction TopMember Jurisdictions
ReportingStandard TopMember ReportingStandards
DataCategory TopMember

PreTaxNationalRegionalCurrent - for National and Regional (Current)

PreTaxNationalRegionalNonCurrent - for National and Regional (NonCurrent)

PreTaxRegionalCurrent - for Regional (Current)

PreTaxRegionalNonCurrent - for Regional (NonCurrent)

PreTaxNationalCurrent - for National (Current)

PreTaxNationalNonCurrent - for National (NonCurrent)

TaxType TopMember NationalAndRegional
NumDecimalPlaces <Any valid values>
UseLineItems No
EnableAggregationOnCustoms Yes (for All Customs)

<Use of keyword as needed>

NBR: Yes or No

EqRevN and EqRevR - for Equity Reversal accounts

Class Level: Yes or No

Class Sign: 1 or -1

XBRL <Blank>
Security Class <As needed>
ICPTopMember <Blank>
EnableDataAudit <As needed>
CalcAttribute <Blank>

Account properties for Equity Accounts

Property Value
Account Type Asset
IsCalculated Yes
IsConsolidated Yes
PlugAcct <Blank>
RollForward TopMember TempEquity
Jurisdiction TopMember AllNational
ReportingStandard TopMember ReportingStandards
DataCategory TopMember PreTax_Input
TaxType TopMember National
NumDecimalPlaces <Any valid values>
UseLineItems No
EnableAggregationOnCustoms Yes (for All Customs)
XBRL <Blank>
Security Class <As needed>
ICPTopMember <Blank>
EnableDataAudit <As needed>
CalcAttribute <Blank>