Custom Dimension User-Defined Properties

Property Value
Property Name Classification Level
Keyword ClassLevel
UD Field ALL
Valid Entry Yes or No

Default for Base member: Yes

Default for Parent member: No

If next level of Parent is <blank>, default is N/A


Total Profit Centers: N/A

Profit Center 001: N/A

Profit Center 00101: No

Profit Center 002: N/A

Profit Center 00202: Yes


When you add Custom dimension members, you must assign ClassLevel properties. The ClassLevel property applies to calculations for Assets/Liabilities, and VAAllocation. Based on the specified property value, classification and valuation allowance calculations are performed accordingly.

Property Value
Property Name Inactive
Keyword Inactive
UD Field ALL
Valid Entry <Any member of the dimension>
Default None


Description You use this property to specify the Custom TopMember of the dimension in which to store the Inactive setting. See Specifying Valid Accounts By Entity.