Data Form Names and Descriptions

Current Provision

Form Description
Form Name Current Provision Regional
Description Current Provision Regional
OnDemandRule TaxAutomation, TaxAutomationTrace
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to calculate the current tax expense for Regional provision. You can execute the OnDemand rule for Tax Automation to generate the results in the Automated column. You can enter additional permanent and temporary difference adjustments, as well as other nonprovisioning amounts in the form. Additional OnDemand rules for Tax Calculations can be executed anytime. Regional apportioned tax rate is used to calculate tax expenses.
Form Description
Form Name Current Provision
Description Current Provision
OnDemandRule TaxAutomation, TaxAutomationTrace
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to calculate the current tax expense for National provision. You can execute the OnDemand rule for Tax Automation to generate the results in the Automated column. You can enter any additional permanent and temporary difference adjustments, as well as other nonprovisioning amounts in the form. Additional OnDemand rules for Tax Calculations can be executed anytime.
Form Description
Form Name Inactive Regional
Description Inactive Regional
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form enables you to specify the inactive accounts per entity for Regional accounts.
Form Description
Form Name Inactive
Description Inactive
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form enables you to specify the inactive accounts per entity for National accounts.
Form Description
Form Name Interim Tax Provision
Description Interim Tax Provision
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to enter Current Year activity to generate the Current and Deferred Tax expense.
Form Description
Form Name Tax Automation Trace Regional
Description Tax Automation Trace Regional
OnDemandRule TaxAutomationTrace
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form displays Tax Automation trace information for Regional accounts.
Form Description
Form Name Tax Automation Trace
Description Tax Automation Trace
OnDemandRule TaxAutomationTrace
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form displays Tax Automation trace information for National accounts.
Form Description
Form Name Tax Credits - By Year of Expiration
Description Tax Credits - By Year of Expiration
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to track National tax credits carried forward by expiration year.
Form Description
Form Name Tax Credits Regional - By Year of Expiration
Description Tax Credits Regional - By Year of Expiration
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to track Regional tax credits carried forward by expiration year.
Form Description
Form Name Tax Credits Regional
Description Tax Credits Regional
OnDemandRule CopyTLCExpirationYear, TLCOriginationYear
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to track the details of Regional tax credits such as year created, utilization of credits, and year of expiration. The totals in this form must agree with the account in the temporary difference rollforward.
Form Description
Form Name Tax Credits
Description Tax Credits
OnDemandRule CopyTLCExpirationYear, TLCOriginationYear
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to track the details of National tax credits such as year created, utilization of credits, and year of expiration. The totals in this form must agree with the account in the temporary difference rollforward.
Form Description
Form Name Tax Losses - By Year of Expiration
Description Tax Losses - By Year of Expiration
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to track National tax losses carried forward by expiration year.
Form Description
Form Name Tax Losses Regional - By Year of Expiration
Description Tax Losses Regional - By Year of Expiration
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to track Regional tax losses carried forward by expiration year.
Form Description
Form Name Tax Losses Regional
Description Tax Losses Regional
OnDemandRule CopyTLCExpirationYear, TLCOriginationYear
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to track the details of Regional tax losses such as year created, utilization of losses, and year of expiration. The totals in this form must agree with the Current Year (CY) and Carry Forward (CFS) accounts in the temporary difference rollforward.
Form Description
Form Name Tax Losses
Description Tax Losses
OnDemandRule CopyTLCExpirationYear, TLCOriginationYear
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to track the details of National tax losses such as year created, utilization of losses, and year of expiration. The totals in this form must agree with the Current Year (CY) and Carry Forward (CFS) accounts in the temporary difference rollforward.

Deferred Tax Provision

Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax - Details
Description Deferred Tax - Details
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form Deferred Tax Regional, Current Provision Regional
Comments This form is used to roll forward the Deferred Tax National accounts including all details.
Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax - Pretax and Tax
Description Deferred Tax - Pretax and Tax
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to enter Current Year Deferred activity to generate the Deferred tax expense and the deferred taxes.
Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax Class - VA
Description Deferred Tax Class - VA
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form Deferred Tax RF Regional, Current Provision Regional
Comments This form is used to show all the Valuation Allowance classifications (Current Assets/Liabilities, NonCurrent Assets/Liabilities) with the NDefTaxTotal hierarchy on the rows.
Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax Input
Description Deferred Tax Input
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used for data entry in Temporary Difference National accounts at the base of the NDefTaxTotal hierarchy.
Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax Regional- Details
Description Deferred Tax Regional- Details
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to track the rollforward the Deferred Tax Regional accounts including all details.
Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax Regional
Description Deferred Tax Regional
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to roll forward the Deferred Tax Regional accounts in a summarized view.
Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax
Description Deferred Tax
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to roll forward the Deferred Tax National accounts in a summarized view.
Form Description
Form Name Temporary Differences Regional
Description Temporary Differences Regional
OnDemandRule TaxAutomationTrace, CopyPeriodicData
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to enter Regional deferred activity to generate the deferred tax rollforward and deferred tax expense. It includes all activities from the beginning of the period, including the opening balances, any adjustments or reversals, deferred only expenses, and FX adjustments. You can execute the OnDemand rule for TaxAutomationTrace at any time within the form.
Form Description
Form Name Temporary Differences
Description Temporary Differences
OnDemandRule TaxAutomationTrace, CopyPeriodicData
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to enter current year National deferred activity to generate the deferred tax rollforward and deferred tax expense. It includes all activities from the beginning of the period, including the opening balances, any adjustments or reversals, deferred only expenses, and FX adjustments. You can execute the OnDemand rule for TaxAutomationTrace at any time within the form.
Form Description
Form Name VA Allocation- VA
Description VA Allocation - VA
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to show the Valuation Allowance classification for assets based on the VA classification settings.
Form Description
Form Name VA Allocation
Description VA Allocation
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to determine the allocation of Valuation reserves between gross current and noncurrent assets for US GAAP.


Form Description
Form Name Consolidated ETR
Description Consolidated ETR
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to reconcile the total National and Regional tax expense and ETR. The effective tax rate is reconciled from the Consolidated Statutory tax rate that you enter.
Form Description
Form Name Statutory ETR Regional
Description Statutory ETR Regional
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to reconcile the total Regional tax expense and ETR, using the Regional Statutory tax and apportionment rates where appropriate.
Form Description
Form Name Statutory ETR
Description Statutory ETR
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to reconcile the total National tax expense and ETR, using the National Statutory tax rate.
Form Description
Form Name Total Tax Provision Regional
Description Total Tax Provision Regional
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to break out the total tax by current and deferred expense and related details, using accounts from RPTTotal hierarchy.
Form Description
Form Name Total Tax Provision
Description Total Tax Provision
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to break out the total tax by current and deferred expense and related details, using accounts from NTPTotal hierarchy.


Form Description
Form Name Consolidated ETR - IFRS
Description Consolidated ETR - IFRS
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to reconcile the Total National and Regional Tax Expense (for example, Current and Deferred). It is used to show the consolidated ETR rate for IFRS purposes and is calculated based on the rate entered for ConsolTaxRateNat and ConsolTaxRateReg
Form Description
Form Name Consolidated ETR Tax Rate - IFRS
Description Consolidated ETR Tax Rate - IFRS
OnDemandRule CopyTaxRates
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This input schedule is used to make changes to the consolidated tax rate that is applicable for the consolidated group. This rate is the rate used to disclose the effective rate reconciliation. It is generally the tax rate imposed by the jurisdiction where the parent is domiciled.
Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax - IFRS - Details
Description Deferred Tax - IFRS - Details
OnDemandRule TaxAutomation
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to roll forward the Deferred Tax National accounts including all details. This form includes deferred tax not recognized in accordance with IFRS. This form is available for IFRS reporting standard only.
Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax - IFRS
Description Deferred Tax - IFRS
OnDemandRule TaxAutomation
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to roll forward the Deferred Tax National accounts in a summarized view. This form includes deferred tax not recognized in accordance with IFRS. This form is available for IFRS reporting standard.
Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax for TAR - IFRS - Details
Description Deferred Tax for TAR - IFRS - Details
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form Deferred Tax Regional, Current Provision Regional
Comments This form is used to roll forward the deferred tax assets and liabilities by classification - current/ noncurrent including all details. This form is available for IFRS reporting standard.
Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax for TAR - IFRS
Description Deferred Tax for TAR - IFRS
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form Deferred Tax Regional, Current Provision Regional
Comments This form is used to roll forward the deferred tax assets and liabilities by classification - current/ noncurrent in a summarized view. This form is available for IFRS reporting standard.
Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax for TAR Reclass - IFRS
Description Deferred Tax for TAR Reclass - IFRS
OnDemandRule TaxAutomation
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form determines the reclassification of Asset/Liability year over year based on the classification level setting. Calculations in this form support the details in the Tax Account Rollforward. This form is available for IFRS reporting standard.
Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax Not Recognized
Description Deferred Tax Not Recognized
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used for IFRS to enter data for Deferred Tax Not Recognized amounts. To enter data in this form, you must set the ReportingStandard UD property to IFRS=Yes.
Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax Proof Regional
Description Deferred Tax Proof Regional
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None

The Deferred Tax Proof form and report computes the tax effect of the difference between the book and tax basis balance sheet in accordance with IFRS requirements under the Balance Sheet approach. The proof brings the Book v. Tax Rollforward together with the deferred tax calculation for the ending difference between the book and tax balance sheet. The book and tax continuities and tax pools (for example, Tax Losses, Tax Depreciation, and Tax Credits) that support the ending pre-tax book and tax differences are affected, with the difference validated to the deferred tax rollforward. The proof is also validated by the user to the general ledger after the tax provision journal entry is recorded. The proof meets the IFRS requirement that the computation of deferred tax begin with an analysis of the book and tax differences (for example, Book vs. Tax Rollforward), and the application of the applicable tax rate to determine the ending deferred tax balance. This proof is calculated for Regional jurisdictions for each period.

Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax Proof
Description Deferred Tax Proof
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None

The Deferred Tax Proof form and report computes the tax effect of the difference between the book and tax basis balance sheet in accordance with IFRS requirements under the Balance Sheet approach. The proof brings the Book v. Tax Rollforward together with the deferred tax calculation for the ending difference between the book and tax balance sheet. The book and tax continuities and tax pools (for example, Tax Losses, Tax Depreciation, and Tax Credits) that support the ending pre-tax book and tax differences are affected, with the difference validated to the deferred tax rollforward. The proof is also validated by the user to the general ledger after the tax provision journal entry is recorded. The proof meets the IFRS requirement that the computation of deferred tax begin with an analysis of the book and tax differences (for example, Book vs. Tax Rollforward), and the application of the applicable tax rate to determine the ending deferred tax balance. The proof is calculated for both National and Regional jurisdictions for each period.

Form Description
Form Name Sch - Book v Tax Analysis - DTP - Regional
Description Sch - Book v Tax Analysis - DTP - Regional
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to roll forward the Book and Tax amounts for accounts and calculate the differences associated with them for the Deferred Tax Proof.
Form Description
Form Name Sch - Book v Tax Analysis - DTP
Description Sch - Book v Tax Analysis - DTP
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to roll forward the Book and Tax amounts for accounts and calculate the differences associated with them for the Deferred Tax Proof.
Form Description
Form Name Sch - Book v Tax Analysis 1
Description Sch - Book v Tax Analysis 1
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to roll forward the Book and Tax amounts for accounts and calculate the differences associated with them. Differences can automated into the current provision and/or the temporary difference rollforward.
Form Description
Form Name Sch - Book v Tax Analysis 2
Description Sch - Book v Tax Analysis 2
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to roll forward the Book and Tax amounts for accounts and calculate the differences associated with them. Differences can automated into the current provision and/or the temporary difference rollforward.
Form Description
Form Name Sch - Book v Tax Analysis 3 with IRE
Description Sch - Book v Tax Analysis 3 with IRE
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to roll forward the Book and Tax amounts for accounts and calculate the differences associated with them. Differences can automated into the current provision and/or the temporary difference rollforward. This form includes adjustments for Initial Recognition Exemptions (IRE).
Form Description
Form Name Sch - Book v Tax Analysis 4
Description Sch - Book v Tax Analysis 4
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to roll forward the Book and Tax amounts for accounts and calculate the differences associated with them. Differences can automated into the current provision and/or the temporary difference rollforward.
Form Description
Form Name Sch - Tax in Equity & Reserves
Description Sch - Tax in Equity & Reserves
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to calculate the Current Provision on Equity/OCI items. This data can be automated in Tax Automation to populate the Temporary Difference RollForward in the EquitySys RollForward.
Form Description
Form Name Sch - Tax Risk Provision
Description Sch - Tax Risk Provision
OnDemandRule CopyTaxRiskProvisionData
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to calculate the rollforward of Tax Contingency amounts. This data can be automated through Tax Automation to the Current Provision and Temporary Difference RollForward.
Form Description
Form Name TAR - IFRS
Description TAR - IFRS
OnDemandRule CopyPeriodicData
Contains Linked Form TAR - Payments & Refunds - Regional; TAR - Reclass - Regional
Comments This form is used to identify the difference between the Book data from the source system and the balance calculated by the tax provision. The difference is used for posting a Tax Journal Entry in the source system to reflect the balance of the Tax accounts as calculated by the tax provision process.

In some cases, the Tax Journal Entry is booked in the source systems at a consolidated level of detail and in other cases, the Tax Journal Entry is booked at the individual legal entity. The information to be used for posting the Tax Journal Entry is calculated from the Tax Account RollForward process.

In the data entry form, the National and Regional balances are displayed in the columns. However, if the selected entity does not have valid regions, the regional columns are hidden. There are two linked forms to be invoked from this summary form. Each linked form provides the additional data entry details.

Form Description
Form Name TAR - Provision & NonProvision - IFRS
Description TAR - Provision & NonProvision - IFRS
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form TAR - Payments & Refunds, TARF_Reclass
Comments You can view the details of the Current and Deferred provision, as well as the Nonprovision details for National and Regional in this form.
Form Description
Form Name TAR - Summary - IFRS
Description TAR - Summary - IFRS
OnDemandRule CopyPeriodicData
Contains Linked Form TAR - Payments & Refunds, TAR - Provision & Non Provision - IFRS, TAR - Additional Provision, TAR - Adjustments
Comments This form has a similar layout as the TAR form. It serves the same purpose as the TAR form but in a summarized level.

If the entity selected does not have valid regions, the regional columns are hidden. To view the additional details, you can invoke the corresponding linked form for each account. There are four linked forms to be invoked from this summary form. Each linked form provides the additional data entry details.

Form Description
Form Name Tax Rates - IFRS
Description Tax Rates - IFRS
OnDemandRule CopyTaxRates
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to enter all tax rates including one additional tax rate, Current Equity Tax Rate, to be used in the Sch - Tax in Equity & Reserves form.
Form Description
Form Name Temp Diff - BalSheetApp - Regional
Description Temp Diff - BalSheetApp - Regional
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None

This form enables you to enter IFRS, GAAP to Stat, Stat to GAAP, and IRE adjustments.

Additionally, this form has current year movements, which includes Opening balance, movements and Closing balance. The Closing balance in this schedule is validated with the Temporary Differences closing balance, and a validation message is displayed in the Validation column.

Form Description
Form Name Temp Diff - BalSheetApp
Description Temp Diff - BalSheetApp
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None

This form enables you to enter IFRS, GAAP to Stat, Stat to GAAP, and IRE adjustments.

Additionally, this form has current year movements, which includes Opening balance, movements and Closing balance. The Closing balance in this schedule is validated with the Temporary Differences closing balance, and a validation message is displayed in the Validation column.


Form Description
Form Name Consolidated ETR Tax Rate
Description Consolidated ETR Tax Rate
OnDemandRule CopyTaxRates
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to enter and make changes to the Consolidated Statutory tax rate that is to be used in the consolidated effective tax rate reconciliation calculation.
Form Description
Form Name CopyTaxRates
Description Copy Tax Rates
OnDemandRule CopyTaxRates
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to copy tax rates for all entities at once from year to year. The rows contain only entities for which tax calculations are allowed, including parent entities. When you run the CopyTaxRates OnDemand rule, the rule is run for all the entities listed in the rows.

Example: You can enter tax rates in one entity for all National accounts for P12. You can then use the form to copy the rates to all entities in the subsequent year.

Form Description
Form Name Exchange Rates
Description Exchange Rates
OnDemandRule CopyTaxRates
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form enables you to enter the currency rate information for all applicable currencies in the application. Exchange Rates data is entered in Entity [None] for Global exchange rate for all entities.
Form Description
Form Name Exchange Rates - Entity
Description Exchange Rates - Entity
OnDemandRule CopyTaxRates
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form enables you to enter the following FX rates: ClosingRate, AverageRate, TARF Payments and Refunds Rate, and NIBT Override Rate. The Entity is selectable from the POV.
Form Description
Form Name NIBT Override Rates
Description NIBT Override Rates
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to enter translation rate data for each entity on an override basis.
Form Description
Form Name Override Tax Rates Regional
Description Override Tax Rates Regional
OnDemandRule CopyTaxRates
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to enter Override Tax Rates for tax accounts in the Regional deferred tax calculation in the deferred tax rollforward.
Form Description
Form Name Override Tax Rates
Description Override Tax Rates
OnDemandRule CopyTaxRates
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to enter Override Tax Rates used for tax accounts in the deferred tax calculation in the deferred tax rollforward.
Form Description
Form Name Tax Rates
Description Tax Rates
OnDemandRule CopyTaxRates
Contains Linked Form None
Comments Tax rates are entered per Entity using the TaxRates form. On this form, you can enter National Tax Rates, Regional Tax Rates, and Regional Apportionment rates. You can execute the OnDemand rule to calculate tax rates and copy opening rates from the prior year.

Supplemental Schedules

Form Description
Form Name Acquisitions Regional
Description Acquisitions Regional
OnDemandRule CopyPeriodicData
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to enter the Regional deferred tax adjustments that result from acquisitions and mergers. It is used for entering current period temporary differences, deferred tax, and tax rate change adjustments that may be necessary in accordance with purchase accounting rules.
Form Description
Form Name Acquisitions
Description Acquisitions
OnDemandRule CopyPeriodicData
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to enter the National deferred tax adjustments that result from acquisitions and mergers. It is used for entering current period temporary differences, deferred tax, and tax rate change adjustments that may be necessary in accordance with purchase accounting rules.
Form Description
Form Name Copy Return to Accrual
Description Copy Return to Accrual
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to enter the source Scenario member and ReportingStandard members for copying RTA balances.
Form Description
Form Name Country by Country Report
Description Country by Country Report
OnDemandRule TaxAutomation, TaxAutomationTrace
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to collect and store the tax information on an entity and jurisdiction basis to enable you to assess tax requirements and risk by country. It includes columns for Place of Effective Management and Principal Business Activity. This data is also needed to satisfy OECD Tax disclosure reporting requirements.

You must customize the data form to define the top level Entity, to view the consolidated data for all the Jurisdictions at the legal entity level. See the instructions included in the data form to define the top legal Entity in rows and set the row numbers accordingly.

Form Description
Form Name Opening Balances by Scenario
Description Opening Balances by Scenario
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to specify the source Scenario member from which closing balances will be copied to populate the opening balances for the current Scenario. For example, you could copy the closing balances from the Actual Scenario to the opening balances of the Forecast Scenario.
Form Description
Form Name Return to Accrual Regional
Description Return to Accrual Regional
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to compare last year's tax provision (P12) with last year's tax return (P13). The difference, if any, is reflected in the Regional current and deferred tax expense.
Form Description
Form Name Return to Accrual
Description Return to Accrual
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to compare last year's tax provision (P12) with last year's tax return (P13). The difference, if any, is reflected in the National current and deferred tax expense.
Form Description
Form Name Sch - Balance Sheet Adjustments
Description Sch - Balance Sheet Adjustments
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used as a supplemental schedule to calculate the current period activity, and to document the closing balance of the Temporary Difference based on the Book versus Tax Basis Balance Sheet. The data can be automated to the Temporary Difference RollForward to populate the ending balance of the Temporary Difference. The Balance sheet approach is another mechanism in which Tax Automation is used to calculate current year activity.
Form Description
Form Name Sch - Fines & Penalties
Description Sch - Fines & Penalties
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments In addition to Trial Balance import, supplemental schedules can be used to enter additional detail information. This form enables you to enter additional fines and penalties details such as the payment date, related tax year and jurisdiction information for each fine or penalty. The detail information is stored in separate cell text labels.
Form Description
Form Name Tax Basis Balance Sheet
Description Tax Basis Balance Sheet
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used as input, as well as for reporting to reconcile the Book Basis Balance Sheet to the Tax Basis Balance Sheet. This process of presenting the Tax Basis Balance Sheet is to show the Deferred Tax calculation. It compares the book balance sheet (book basis) with the tax balance sheet (tax basis). The differences between the two bases are tax-effected.
Form Description
Form Name Validations
Description Validations
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to ensure that the integrity of the data is valid. See Data Validation.

Tax Account RollForward

Form Description
Form Name Current Tax Payable Regional
Description Current Tax Payable Regional
OnDemandRule CurTaxOriginationYear
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to perform an analysis of the current tax payable by year to ensure that prior year provisions have been cleared by payments, refunds, and/or adjustments (for example, RTA). You use this form to enter data for Current Payable Regional detail accounts at the base of the RCurrentPayables hierarchy.

The Current Year Closing balance in this form is validated with the ending balance of Current Tax Payable Regional in TAR (TARFCurrentPayable) and a validation message is displayed in the Validation column. For example:

Current Payable Total Closing (RCurPayable0001,[ICP None],PayClosingBal, Jurisdictions, IFRSUnderlying, CurrentPayableTotal, Regional) should match the TARF Current Tax Payable for Regional (TARFCalculated,[ICP None],TARFTotal,Jurisdictions, IFRSUnderlying,TARFCurrentPayable,Regional)

Form Description
Form Name Current Tax Payable
Description Current Tax Payable
OnDemandRule CurTaxOriginationYear
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to perform an analysis of the current tax payable by year to ensure that prior year provisions have been cleared by payments, refunds, and/or adjustments ) for example, RTA). You use this form to enter data for Current Payable National detail accounts at the base of the CurrentPayables hierarchy.

The Current Year Closing balance in this form is validated with the ending balance of Current Tax Payable National in TAR (TARFCurrentPayable) and a validation message is displayed in the Validation column. For example:

Current payable total closing (NCurPayable0001,[ICP None],PayClosingBal, Jurisdictions, IFRSUnderlying, CurrentPayableTotal, National) should match the TARF Current Tax Payable for National (TARFCalculated,[ICP None],TARFTotal,Jurisdictions, IFRSUnderlying,TARFCurrentPayable,National)

Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax for TAR - Details
Description Deferred Tax for TAR - Details
OnDemandRule TaxAutomation
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to roll forward the National deferred tax assets and liabilities by classification - current/ noncurrent including all details.
Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax for TAR Reclass Regional
Description Deferred Tax for TAR Reclass Regional
OnDemandRule TaxAutomation
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form determines the reclassification of Regional asset/liability year over year based on the Classification Level setting. Calculations in this form support the details in the Tax Account Rollforward.
Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax for TAR Reclass
Description Deferred Tax for TAR Reclass
OnDemandRule TaxAutomation
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to determine the reclassification amount for accounts that have switched from asset to liability and from liability to asset.
Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax for TAR Regional - Details
Description Deferred Tax for TAR Regional - Details
OnDemandRule TaxAutomation
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to roll forward the Regional deferred tax assets and liabilities by classification - current/ noncurrent including all details.
Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax for TAR Regional
Description Deferred Tax For TAR Regional
OnDemandRule TaxAutomation
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to roll forward the Regional deferred tax assets and liabilities by classification - current/ noncurrent in a summarized view.
Form Description
Form Name Deferred Tax for TAR
Description Deferred Tax for TAR
OnDemandRule TaxAutomation
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to roll forward the National deferred tax assets and liabilities by classification - current/ noncurrent in a summarized view.
Form Description
Form Name TAR - Summary
Description TAR - Summary
OnDemandRule CopyPeriodicData
Contains Linked Form TAR - Payments & Refunds, TAR - Provision & Non Provision, TAR - Additional Provision, TAR - Adjustments
Comments This form has a similar layout as the TAR form. It serves the same purpose as the TAR form but in a summarized level.

If the entity selected does not have valid regions, the regional columns are hidden. To view the additional details, you can invoke the corresponding linked form for each account. There are four linked forms to be invoked from this summary form. Each linked form provides the additional data entry details.

Form Description
Form Name TAR
Description TAR
OnDemandRule CopyPeriodicData
Contains Linked Form TAR - Payments & Refunds - Regional, TAR - Reclass - Regional
Comments This form is used to identify the difference between the Book data from the source system and the balance calculated by the tax provision. The difference is used for posting a Tax Journal Entry in the source system to reflect the balance of the Tax accounts as calculated by the tax provision process.

In some cases, the Tax Journal Entry is booked in the source systems at a consolidated level of detail and in other cases, the Tax Journal Entry is booked at the individual legal entity. The information to be used for posting the Tax Journal Entry is calculated from the Tax Account RollForward process.

In the data entry form, the National and Regional balances are displayed in the columns. However, if the selected entity does not have valid regions, the regional columns are hidden. There are two linked forms to be invoked from this summary form. Each linked form provides the additional data entry details.

Custom TAR

Form Description
Form Name TAR Combined
Description TAR Combined
OnDemandRule CopyPeriodicData
Contains Linked Form TAR - Payments and Refunds - Regional; TAR - Reclass - Regional
Comments This form is used to show Domestic or Foreign members based on the entity.
Form Description
Form Name TAR National
Description TAR National
OnDemandRule CopyPeriodicData
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to show Domestic or Foreign members based on the entity.
Form Description
Form Name TAR Regional
Description TAR Regional
OnDemandRule CopyPeriodicData
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is used to show Domestic or Foreign members based on the entity.

Tax Account RollForward - Linked Forms

Form Description
Form Name TAR - Additional Provision
Description TAR - Additional Provision
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form TAR - Payments & Refunds, TARF_Provision & NonProvision
Comments This form is a linked form invoked from the main TAR Summary form. You can view the additional provision details reclassified for National and Regional in this form.
Form Description
Form Name TAR - Adjustments
Description TAR - Adjustments
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form TAR - Reclass - Regional
Comments This form is a linked form invoked from the main TAR Summary form. You can enter the manual adjustments for National in this form. However, to enter the adjustments at the region level, you must invoke another linked form “TAR - Reclass - Regional” to enter the detail deferred tax adjustments by region.
Form Description
Form Name TAR - Payments & Refunds - Regional Detail
Description TAR - Payments & Refunds - Regional Detail
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is a linked form invoked from the main TAR data entry form. You can enter the payments and refunds details by region and by period.
Form Description
Form Name TAR - Payments & Refunds - Regional
Description TAR - Payments & Refunds - Regional
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is a linked form invoked from the main TAR data entry form. In the TAR form, you can enter the payments and refunds details directly into the main form. For regional payments and refunds details, you must invoke this linked form for data entry.

This form contains all applicable jurisdictions for the entity in rows and the periods in columns, so that you can enter the payment or refund data for each region by period. If the entity does not have any regions, then the linked form contains only the data for the country. You can return to the main TAR form from the linked form, or you can close the linked form, which also closes the main form.

Form Description
Form Name TAR - Payments & Refunds
Description TAR - Payments & Refunds
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form TAR - Payments & Refunds - Regional
Comments This form is a linked form invoked from the main TAR Summary form. The form contains the periods in the rows and the DataCategory members in the columns.

You can also invoke another linked form —“TAR - Payments & Refunds - Regional” from this linked form to enter the payments and refunds details by region and by period.

Form Description
Form Name TAR - Provision & Non Provision
Description TAR - Provision & Non Provision
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is a linked form invoked from the main TAR Summary form. You can view the details of the Current and Deferred provision, as well as the Nonprovision details for National and Regional in this form.
Form Description
Form Name TAR - Reclass - Regional Detail
Description TAR - Reclass - Regional Detail
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is a linked form invoked from the TAR - IFRS data form. You can enter the payments and refunds details by region and by period.
Form Description
Form Name TAR - Reclass - Regional
Description TAR - Reclass - Regional
OnDemandRule None
Contains Linked Form None
Comments This form is a linked form invoked from the main TAR data entry form. In the TAR form, you can enter the nations’ reclass of deferred tax accounts directly into the main form. For regional reclass of deferred tax account, you must invoke this linked form for data entry.

This form contains all applicable jurisdictions for the entity in rows, and reclassification to Income Statement and Balance Sheet DataCategory members in columns. If the entity does not have any regions, then the linked form contains only the data for the country. You can return to the main TAR form from the linked form, or you can close the linked form, which also closes the main form.