OnDemand Rules

OnDemand rules are administrator-defined rules that enable users to run them at any time in data forms.

The rules are regular subroutines with the name prefixed with the “OnDemand_” keyword (for example, OnDemand_TaxAutomation). They are defined as part of the data form definition, which enables users to run the calculations in the specified form without having to run the entire sub-calculate process.

The OnDemand rules process performs its own HS.Clear procedure for the required cells, because it does not use the normal routine in which the system automatically clears the data cells that are set as “IsCalculate”.

You can execute OnDemand rules for a selected entity, or for all entities defined in the data form. OnDemand rules are not run for locked cells.

After the system runs OnDemand Rules, the calculation status remains Changed or Impacted. Calculation status is only updated to OK status after the Sub Calculate process is performed.

The OnDemand rules are available from data forms, and also from the Tax Administration Custom Screen. The process for running the rules is the same, however the Tax Administration Custom Screen enables you to run all the rules from a central place. See Viewing Tax Administration Properties.

Table 3-8 Available OnDemand Rules

Rule Name Description Available Data Form/Custom Screens
OnDemand_CopyPeriodicData Copies Periodic data for a selected period to the YTD cell, then sets the data in the selected period to zero. Used for these accounts:
  • TARF Payments and Refunds

  • Acquisitions (pretax_input, tax_input)

  • Rate changes account (RCAcqNP)

You specify the entities for which this rule should be run. An administrator with access to the entire entity hierarchy can run the rule for all entities.

See Copying Periodic Data.

Data Forms:

  • TAR

  • TAR Combined

  • TAR National

  • TAR Regional

  • TAR - IFRS

  • Temporary Differences

Custom Screen:

Tax Administration Custom Screen

OnDemand_CopyNOLCreditRules Copies NOL Credit Automation rules from the prior period.

Custom Screens:

  • NOL Automation Custom Screen

  • Tax Administration Custom Screen

OnDemand_CopyRTASettings Copies RTA configuration from prior year to current year.

Custom Screens:

  • RTA Automation Custom Screen

  • Tax Administration Custom Screen

OnDemand_CopyTARAutomationRules Copies TAR Automation rules from the prior period. See Mapping Data in Tax Account Rollforward Data Forms.

Custom Screens:

  • TAR Automation Custom Screen

  • Tax Administration Custom Screen

OnDemand_CopyTaxRates Copies Tax Rates, Consolidated Tax Rate, Apportionment Rates, and Regional Rates from P12 of the prior year to P1 of the current year. You should only run this rule if the current period is P1.

Data Forms:

  • OverrideTaxRates

  • TaxRates

Custom Screen:

Tax Administration Custom Screen

OnDemand_CopyTaxRiskProvision Copies Year and Jurisdiction data in Tax Risk Provision from prior period to current period. This applies only to the current period on which the rule is run.

Data Form:

Sch - Tax Risk Provision

Custom Screen:

Tax Administration Custom Screen

OnDemand_CopyTaxRules Automatically copies the tax rules in Tax Automation cell text from the prior period to the current period for all base entities. If run on the first period, it copies the rules from the last period of the last year. Used as part of the monthly or yearly rollover process.

Custom Screens:

  • Tax Administration Custom Screen

  • Tax Automation Custom Screen

OnDemand_CopyTLCExpirationYear Copies the Tax Losses/Credits Expiration Year cell text from the previous year/period.

You specify the Start Year and Start Period for the copy process using UD properties in the TaxLossesD account. Use a caret (^) character as a separator. For example:


Data Forms:

  • Tax Credits

  • Tax Credits Regional

  • Tax Losses

  • Tax Losses Regional

Custom Screen:

Tax Administration Custom Screen

OnDemand_CurTaxOriginationYear Populates the year of Origination

Data Forms:

  • Current Tax Payable

  • Current Tax Payable Regional

OnDemand_TaxAutomation Runs the Tax Automation process. See Running Tax Automation.

Data Forms:

  • Current Provision

  • Current Provision Regional

  • Temporary Differences

  • Temporary Differences Regional

Custom Screens:

  • Tax Administration Custom Screen

  • Tax Automation Custom Screen

OnDemand_TaxAutomationTrace Runs the Tax Automation process for one entity with a trace of input data and calculations written to cell text for the destination account. See Running Tax Automation.

Data Forms:

  • Current Provision

  • Current Provision Regional

  • Temporary Differences

  • Temporary Differences Regional

  • Tax Automation Trace

  • Tax Automation Trace Regional

Custom Screens:

  • Tax Administration Custom Screen

  • Tax Automation Custom Screen

OnDemand_TLCOriginationYear Writes the Tax Losses/Credits Origination Year to cell text.

Data Forms:

  • Tax Credits

  • Tax Credits Regional

  • Tax Losses

  • Tax Losses Regional

Custom Screen:

Tax Administration Custom Screen