
Cloud data provider types: Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase, Planning, Planning Modules, Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting

On-premises data provider types: Oracle Essbase, Oracle Hyperion Planning, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management


HypGetSheetOption() returns information about sheet level options.


Use HypGetOption to set both global (default) and sheet specific Oracle Smart View for Office options so that you do not need separate VBA commands for the two option types.


HypGetSheetOption(vtSheetName, vtItem)

ByVal vtSheetName As Variant

ByVal vtItem As Variant


vtSheetName: The name of worksheet on which to run the function. If vtSheetName is Null or Empty, the active worksheet is used.

vtItem: The number that indicates which option is to be retrieved. See Table 13-2 for a list of values.

Table 13-2 Options for vtItem

vtItem Option Data Type and Values
1 Set zoom in level:
  • 0 = Next level

  • 1 = All levels

  • 2 = Bottom level

  • 3 = Sibling level

  • 4 = Same level

  • 5 = Same generation

  • 6 = Formulas

2 Enable Include Selection setting Boolean
3 Enable Within Selection Group setting Boolean
4 Enable Remove Unselected Groups setting Boolean
5 Specify Indent setting:
  • 0 = No indentation

  • 1 = Indent sub items

  • 2 = Indent totals

6 Enable suppress missing setting Boolean
7 Enable suppress zeros setting Boolean
8 Enable suppress underscores setting Boolean
9 Enable No Access setting Boolean
10 Enable Repeated Member setting Boolean
11 Enable Invalid setting Boolean
12 Ancestor Position:
  • 0 = Top

  • 1 = Bottom

13 Specify Missing Text label Text
14 Specify No Access label Text
15 Cell Status:
  • 0 = Data

  • 1 = Calculation Status

  • 2 = Process Management

16 Member Name Display options:
  • 0 = Name Only

  • 1 = Name and Description

  • 2 = Description only


Return Value

Returns 0 if successful; otherwise, returns the appropriate error code.


Declare Function HypGetSheetOption Lib "HsAddin" (ByVal vtSheetName As Variant, ByVal vtItem As Variant) As Variant

Sub Example_HypGetSheetOption()
sts = HypGetSheetOption("Sheet", 5)
If sts = -15 then
   Msgbox ("Invalid Parameter")
   Msgbox ("Indentation is set to" & sts)
End If
End Sub