VBA Function Error for Oracle Analytics Cloud or Oracle BI EE

28791548 -- After uninstalling and reinstalling Oracle Smart View for Office, the following error was displaying when using a VBA function for Oracle Analytics Cloud or Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition:

Error '-2147024894(800700002)': Automation error The system cannot find the file specified.

In some cases, when Smart View is installed as administrator, the uninstall and reinstall does not handle registration of the Oracle BI EE extension file correctly.

To remedy this issue, after installation, and before starting Office, install the Oracle BI EE extension manually:

  1. After uninistalling and reinstalling Smart View, ensure that all Office applications remain closed.

  2. Navigate to C:\Oracle\SmartView\extensions and double-click on JBIPSProviderInstaller.svext.

  3. In the message that indicates successful installation, click OK.

    The Oracle BI EE extension installation is complete and you may start Office.