Smart View HTTP Session Timeout

HTTP session timeouts can occur, for example, when working with large queries that take a long time to run, or when you're experiencing slower internet connections.

Other errors you may see in an HTTP session timeout include:

  • An "Invalid pointer" error

  • "XML Load Error: XML Document must have a top level element"

To avoid HTTP session timeouts, you may add the following Windows Registry DWORDS to the Internet Settings key:

  • Key Name:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
  • Key Values:

    • DWORD: ReceiveTimeout

      Value data: value in milliseconds

    • DWORD: KeepAliveTimeout

      Value data: value in milliseconds

    • DWORD: ServerInfoTimeout

      Value data: value in milliseconds

    For example, 900000 milliseconds is the equivalent of 15 minutes. Adjust the timing according to your requirements.

As a guideline, 900000 milliseconds is the equivalent of 15 minutes.

To add the timeout key values to the Internet Settings registry key:

  1. Ensure that all Office applications, including Outlook, are closed.
  2. Launch the Windows Registry Editor.
  3. Locate and then select the following registry subkey:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
  4. Add the three DWORD key values, ReceiveTimeout, KeepAliveTimeout, and ServerInfoTimeout:
    1. From the Edit menu, select New, and then select DWORD Value.
    2. Type the DWORD name, and then press Enter.
    3. In the Details pane, right-click DWORD you added in step 4.b, and then select Modify.
    4. In the Value data text box, type the timeout value in milliseconds, select Decimal, and then click OK.
    5. Repeat step 4.a through step 4.d for each of the three required DWORD key values.
  5. Exit Registry Editor.
  6. Restart Excel.