2 Enabling Accessibility for Smart View

After reviewing this chapter, you are familiar working with JAWS® for Oracle Smart View for Office .

Related Links:

About Enabling Accessibility for Smart View

Working with JAWS

Enabling JAWS to Read ListView Headers

About Enabling Accessibility for Smart View

You do not need to enable accessibility specifically for Smart View; it is always in accessible mode. Smart View output is in the form of Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, and PowerPoint slides, which are accessible through Microsoft Office. For information about Excel, Word, or PowerPoint accessibility, refer to Microsoft Office product documentation.

Working with JAWS

If you are using JAWS® Screen Reading Software:

Enabling JAWS to Read ListView Headers

ListViews display information in a table format within the Smart View user interface. Examples of dialog boxes that display information in the ListView format are Select Forms or Manage Journals.

ListView headers are the column headings within a ListView. By default, JAWS does not read the ListView headers; however, you can enable JAWS to read them.

To enable JAWS to read ListView headers:

  1. Ensure that JAWS is running.

  2. Within a ListView, select a row containing data, then press Insert+F2.

  3. In the Run JAWS Manager dialog box, select Customize ListView and press Enter.

    The Customize Headers dialog box is displayed

  4. In the Column Headers group, select the Speak Custom Text AND Header option.

  5. Click OK to save the changes.

JAWS should begin speaking the column headers in the ListView element. If this doesn't happen, restart the Office application.