Drilling Through to Source Data

When working with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud data providers, and performing a drill through from Oracle Smart View for Office to display drill data, the system now supports two ways to display the source data:

  • Drill through to the source landing web page using a hyperlink. In this case, when you initiate a source drill, the system launches the source landing page in your default browser.

  • Drill through to the source data using an EPM Integration Agent query. In this case, the source data is queried and the data is displayed in a new Excel sheet in Smart View.

This topic focuses on drilling through to source data and displaying it in Excel.

When this drill-through option is enabled, your first drill-through operation takes you from your main worksheet to a staging sheet. From the staging sheet, you can drill further into a data cell to the source data for the selected cell. Drill-through to source is available on any data cell for any dimension/member combination in the staging sheet. From the source sheet, you can navigate back to the staging sheet, and then back to the main sheet.


Service Administrators: To use this feature, you must first execute a SQL query in the source database and display the results in a pop-window inside Data Integration. For more information, see Creating a Drill Down to a Source System Without a Landing Page in Administering Data Integration for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.

To drill-through to source data:

  1. Before you begin, in the Options dialog, Advanced tab, set the Drill-Through Launch option to In New Sheet or Prompt Me to Choose Target.

    See Setting the Drill-Through Launch Option for information on setting this option.

  2. Right-click on a drill-through cell, and from the context menu, select Smart View, and then Drill-Through.

    You can also click the Drill-Through option on the provider ribbon.

    If prompted for a drill-through option, select Open as new sheet.

    In the following example, we're using cell styles to call out the drill-through cells in a form. The drill-through cells are pink. Right-click on a drill-through cell and select Smart View in the context menu to view the submenu, where we'll select Drill-Through.

    Form showing pink drill-through cells and the right-click context menu option, Smart View, with the submenu option, Drill-Through

    This action launches the staging sheet.

  3. In the staging sheet, to drill through to the source data, right-click a cell and select Smart View, and then Drill-through to Source.

    Drill-through to source is available on any data cell for any dimension/member combination in the staging sheet.

    On the staging sheet, the right-click context menu showing the options for the Smart View menu item, Drill-through to Source and Go to Main Sheet

    Optionally, from the Smart View context menu on the staging sheet, you can select Go to Main Sheet to return to the sheet from which you began.

  4. Optional: In the source sheet, to navigate back to the staging sheet, right-click a cell and select Smart View, and then Go to Staging Sheet.


    • This navigation works even if you rename the staging or main sheet.

    • Be aware that when reusing the main or staging sheet to perform a Smart View action, such as opening a form or starting a new ad hoc grid, the links for the Go to Main Sheet and Go to Staging Sheet commands still persist. If you rely on those links, and the content on the main or staging sheet is changed, then you may be directed to a cell where there is no drill-through information or the drill-through information is no longer applicable.

    On source sheet, Smart View context menu with Go to Staging Sheet option

  5. Optional: In the staging sheet, to navigate back to the main sheet, right-click a cell and select Smart View, and then Go to Main Sheet.

    See the context menu options in the illustration in step 3

  6. Optional: To view the Sheet Type for the worksheet, staging or source, select the Smart View ribbon, and then Sheet Info to display the Sheet Information dialog.

    For example:

    Staging Sheet:

    Sheet Information dialog showing the Sheet type for a Drill-through staging sheet

    Source Sheet:

    Sheet Information dialog showing the Sheet type for a Drill-through source sheet