Setting Up Help Locally or on a Web Server

To install and configure Oracle Smart View for Office help locally or on a web server:

  1. Obtain the help zip file for this release from My Oracle Support.
  2. Extract the contents to either a local folder on the computer where Smart View is installed or to a folder accessible by your users on an HTTP web server in your organization.

    For example:

    • Extract the contents locally to:


      The extraction adds an additional folder named smartview_help. The result is:

    • Extract the contents to a web server:


      The extraction adds smartview_help after pathToHelpFiles . The result is:


    Under the smartview_help folder, there are 28 language folders; for example:


    The following language folders contain translated versions of the Smart View help:


    The remaining language folders contain the English version of the help. When you run Smart View in one of those languages (for example, Swedish) and you click a button for Help, the English help is displayed.

    Additionally, the English folder contains a copy of the help in PDF format, smartview_user.pdf.

  3. Modify the helpurlcontext property in the Smart View properties.xml file:
    1. In your Smart View installation, navigate to the SmartView\cfg folder.
    2. Make a backup copy of the original properties.xml file.
    3. Open properties.xml for editing.
    4. Modify the helpurlcontext property, providing the path to the folder that is parent to the language folders using the following syntax:
      • If installing locally, provide the path to the folder that is parent to the language folders using the following syntax:



        Use forward slashes in the syntax and ensure that you enter a final forward slash (/) after the parent language folder path that you provide.

        Using the example from step 2, after extracting the zip contents to C:\Oracle\SmartView, the smartview_help folder is the parent folder of the language folders. Thus, you would modify the parent_language_folder_path placeholder as follows:

      • If installing on a web server, provide the path to the folder that is parent to the language folders using the following syntax:



        Use forward slashes in the syntax and ensure that you enter a final forward slash (/) after the parent language folder path that you provide.

        Using the example from step 2 and substituting user_documentation for pathToHelpFiles , after extracting the zip contents to, the smartview_help folder is the parent folder of the language folders. For example:

  4. Restart your Microsoft Office applications and access the help from the Smart View ribbon.
  5. Repeat this procedure for each computer that requires Smart View local help.