Configuring Manual Extension Updates

Auto-Update extensions in the UpdateList.xml manifest file can be configured so that the Oracle Smart View for Office end user can see the available extensions, including per-user extensions, and install them from the Extensions tab of the Options dialog box.

You can add two attributes, visible and allowUninstall, to the UpdateList.xml manifest file to change the behavior of the extensions from auto-update to manual update so that the extensions are displayed in the Options dialog box:

  • visible —A value of "1" indicates that the extension will appear in the Extensions tab of the Smart View Options dialog and will NOT be part of the Auto-Update process.

    If the visible attribute is missing or the value is not "1", the extension is included in the Auto-Update process.

  • allowUninstall —A value of "1" indicates that the user can initiate an uninstall through the Extensions tab of the Options dialog box using the Remove link.

    If the allowUninstall attribute is missing or the value is not "1", the user may not initiate an uninstall in the Extensions interface (the Remove link will not be there).

This procedure is optional. If you choose not to add the attributes to UpdateList.xml, extensions will continue to be updated as they were in releases earlier than In pre- releases, users click the Check for updates link or select the Check for updates when Microsoft Office starts check box to initiate extension updates.

See Manual Update XML Defined and Manual Update XML Example for reference.

To add attributes to the UpdateList.xml manifest file for extensions:

  1. Open the UpdateList.xml file for editing.

    The manifest file is found in two locations:

    • epmstatic:

    • The location pointed to by the <extensionupdatelist> tag in C:\Oracle\SmartView\cfg\properties.xml.

      To populate the <extensionupdatelist> tag, you can either perform a command line installation, as described in Running Command Line or Silent Installations, or manually update the tag in the properties.xml file.


      In properties.xml, if multiple URLs exist for an extension installer, Smart View checks all locations and installs from the location containing the latest version.

      If multiple URLs exist for the same version of an extension installer, Smart View installs from the first URL in the list.

  2. Optional: To display an extension in the Extensions tab of the Options dialog box, and exclude the extension from the Auto-Update process, add the visible="1" attribute to the XML for the extension; for example:
       extension id="Some.Unique.Id.That.Matches.Extension.Descriptor.Id"
       allowUninstall="1">Oracle Disclosure Management

    Figure 3-1 shows an example of an extension displayed in the Extensions tab.

    Figure 3-1 Extension as Displayed in the Extensions Tab

    An extension as it appears in the Extensions tab
  3. Optional: To display the Remove button, The Remove button, for an extension, add the allowUninstall="1" attribute to the XML for the extension; for example:
       extension id="A.Unique.Id.That.Matches.Extension.Descriptor.Id"
       allowUninstall="1">Oracle Disclosure Management

    Figure 3-2 shows an example of an extension displayed in the Extensions tab.

    Figure 3-2 Extension as Displayed in the Extensions Tab

    An extension as it appears in the Extensions tab
  4. For each provider and per-user extension, repeat step 2 and step 3 according to your requirements.
  5. Optional: To remove a single extension from the list of extensions available for Auto-Update in the UpdateList.xml file, use the alternative method of commenting out the extension with the <!-- and --> characters; for example:
    location="/epmstatic/disclosure_mgmt/svext/DiscManSetup.msi" version="" id="nnnnnnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnnnnnnnnnn"> Oracle Disclosure Management

    You can also comment out the entire list of extensions if your goal is to exclude all extensions from the manual update process.