Stacked Dimensions

Cloud data source types: Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase

On-premises data source types: Oracle Essbase

The first row that contains multiple members of the same dimension is a column dimension. All dimensions placed above this row are candidates for page dimension if they comply with the rules for page dimension. However, dimensions above this column dimension that are in the same column ("stacked") and have no other members are column dimensions and not page dimensions. Such grids are not valid.

In Figure 13-9, Product is a column dimension that is stacked on Profit; Market is a page dimension, because it is not stacked on Profit. Scenario is a page dimension, even though it is stacked on Profit, because its row is above a page dimension.

Figure 13-9 Stacked Dimensions as Page Dimensions

Shows a valid grid as described in the previous paragraph.

In Figure 13-10, Product and Market are stacked above a column dimension and contain no other members. Therefore, this grid is not valid.

Figure 13-10 Invalid Stacked Column

Shows a grid that is invalid for the reason described in the previous paragraph.