Toolbar Operations

Use the Oracle Crystal Ball Simulation Workbook toolbar buttons to perform the following operations on workbooks and folders in the tree list.

  • Connect to a repository

  • Add, save, and delete workbooks

  • Add and rename folders

    The characters listed in Table 30-1 are not allowed in folder names.

    Table 30-1 List of Restricted Character in Folder Names

    Character Description




    forward slash


    percent sign


    question mark


    plus sign


    less than sign


    greater than sign


    vertical bar


    single quotation mark


    double quotation mark





  • Refresh the tree list

  • Set options to specify where workbook files are to be stored and the Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace agent with which to communicate (these options apply across all sessions running on the server). To do so, click Options and enter this information:

    • URL: the Web Services agent URL. Use this syntax: http://<host>/raframework/services/BiPlus

    • Folder: the name of the repository folder to contain the workbook file