
Describes the Oracle Smart View for Office BI extension VBA function, EditPrompts


Edit prompts of a view.


Function EditPrompts(

objID As String,

prompt() As BIReportPrompt

) As Boolean


objID: The ID of the view to be edited. If an empty ID is passed, the selected view will be used.

prompt: Same as the "prompt" parameter in InsertView.

Return Value

Indicates if the operation succeeds or not.


Sub EditPromptTableTest()

Dim obiee As IBIReport
Set obiee = New SmartViewOBIEEAutomation

Dim prompts(0 To 3) As BIReportPrompt

Dim firstPrompt(0 To 3) As String
firstPrompt(0) = "Madison Office"
firstPrompt(1) = "Merrimon Office"
firstPrompt(2) = "Spring Office"
firstPrompt(3) = "Tellaro Office"
prompts(0).Values = firstPrompt

Dim secondPrompt(0 To 0) As String
secondPrompt(0) = "500"
prompts(1).Values = secondPrompt

Dim ThirdPrompt(0 To 5) As String
ThirdPrompt(0) = "Communication"
ThirdPrompt(1) = "Digital"
ThirdPrompt(2) = "Electronics"
ThirdPrompt(3) = "Games"
ThirdPrompt(4) = "Services"
ThirdPrompt(5) = "TV"

prompts(2).Values = ThirdPrompt

Dim ForthPrompt(0 To 0) As String
ForthPrompt(0) = "8/15/2009"
prompts(3).Values = ForthPrompt

obiee.EditPrompts Empty, prompts