
Describes the Oracle Smart View for Office BI extension VBA function, EditPagePrompts.


Edit the page selections of a view.


Function EditPagePrompts(

objID As String,

pageSelections() As String

) As Boolean


objID: The IDid of the view to be edited. If an empty ID is passed, the selected view will be used.

pageSelections: The order of the page selection stored in the string array should be same as the order the page selections appear in the Page Selector dialog box. For example, to specify the page selections shown in Figure 17-2, use the sample code that follows the figure.

Figure 17-2 Page Selector Dialog Box with Selections for Region and Year

Page Selector Dialog Box with Selections for Region and Year
Dim pageSelections(0 To 1) As String
pageSelections (0) = "CENTRAL REGION"
pageSelections (1) = "2000"

Return Value

Indicates if the operation succeeds or not.


Sub EditPagePromptTest()

Dim obiee As IBIReport
Set obiee = New SmartViewOBIEEAutomation
Dim pages(0 To 1) As String
pages(0) = "CENTRAL REGION"
pages(1) = "2000"

obiee.EditPagePrompts Empty, pages

End Sub