Disabling the Smart View Add-on in Apps Other than Excel

If users plan to work with Oracle Smart View for Office only in Microsoft Excel, and not with Word, PowerPoint, or Outlook, you can edit Windows Registry keys to prevent Smart View from loading into the other Office applications.

Before you edit the Registry, ensure that all Office applications are closed and no Office processes are running in the Task Manager.

To disable loading Smart View into Word, PowerPoint, or Outlook, open the Registry, navigate to each of the Office applications listed below, and set the LoadBehavior value for each applications to 0.







When LoadBehavior is set to 0, the respective Office application will not load the specific add-in.

Restart the affected Office applications and verify that the Smart View ribbon does not display.

You can disable any or all of the above Office applications, as required.

To switch back to loading the Smart View add-on for specific Office applications, set the LoadBehavior value for the application to 3. This will cause the Smart View add-on to be loaded when restarting the Office application.