Failure to Establish Connection with Integrated Windows Single Signon

When Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud is configured to use Windows single signon with Microsoft Azure AD, attempts to establish connection to EPM Cloud using a shared connection can fail and you may see this error message:

The provider running at <serviceURL>/workspace/SmartViewProviders is not a Shared Services provider.

Using a private connection, the message reads:

Unable to connect to the provider.

This error is related to Oracle single signon setup, and occurs when users are already logged in to their Microsoft Azure AD account (also known as Microsoft Entra ID).

Workarounds: To resolve this error, try either of the following workarounds:

  • Enable "Chooser login page" during Fusion SSO setup. Once enabled, users are brought to the chooser login page and they are able to connect by clicking Company Sign On.

  • If the "Chooser login page" is not enabled, then add full URLs, including Oracle Smart View for Office shared or private connection URLs, to the secure site list in Windows Internet Options.

    Be sure to add all URLs that are used during authentication.


    Administrators should perform a trace to assist in collecting the URLs of all the sites involved in authentication. For example, there should be "oraclecloud" sites for production, possibly a test site, as well as Azure AD sites, along with the Smart View connection URLs.

    Do not use an asterisk (*) to abbreviate URLs, for example, do not use * You must always use the full URL.

    To add URLs, including Smart View connection URLs, as secure, or trusted sites, in the Windows Control Panel, go to Internet Options, then select the Security tab, then select Trusted Sites, and then click the Sites button. Enter the full URL and click Add. Repeat for all required authentication and connection URLs.

    Some Smart View connection URL syntax examples follow:

    • Shared connection:


    • Private connection:


    See Creating Shared Connections and Creating Private Connections in the Oracle Smart View User's Guide for more information on data source connection syntax.