Formatting Options

Formatting options control the textual display of members and data.

Formatting options are sheet level options, which are specific to the worksheet for which they are set.


Not all data providers support all the options listed in Table 4-14. Refer to the Subtopics listed above to find the options supported for a particular provider.

To set options for cell formatting as described in Table 4-14, click Options on the Smart View ribbon, and then select Formatting in the left panel. When you are finished, make a selection for saving the changes:

  • OK

  • Save as Default Options

  • Apply to All Worksheets


    The Apply to All Worksheets option is not available in PowerPoint or Word.

See Sheet Options for a complete description of the above options.

Table 4-14 Formatting Options

Option Description
Formatting Formatting
Use Cell Styles Use formatting that is defined in Cell Styles or by the data provider. Overrides any user formatting.

This option is disabled when Use Excel Formatting is selected.

See Cell Styles.

Use Excel Formatting Use Excel rather than Oracle Smart View for Office formatting and retain Excel formatting for ad hoc operations.

This option is disabled when Use Cell Styles is selected.


In ad hoc grids for all providers, Excel formatting is not retained when performing an Undo.

See Using Excel Formatting.

Move Formatting on Operations Copy parent cell formatting to zoomed in cells and retain this formatting even if the cell location changes after an operation.

This option is disabled by default, and it is enabled, but not selected, when Use Excel Formatting is selected.

Formatting can affect performance, especially during ad hoc operations when Move formatting on operations is enabled. For this reason, the selection of Move Formatting on Operations persists on a per-sheet, per-session basis. The selection cannot be saved. If you plan to use Excel formatting, then you must reselect Move Formatting on Operations every time you open a workbook, every time you move to a new sheet within a workbook, and whenever you return to the original sheet, even if you previously selected it on that sheet, and even within the same session. It must also be reselected every time you open a new or existing workbook.

You may use Save As Default to save the Use Excel Formatting selection, but it will not save the Move Formatting on Operations selection.

The following message is displayed each time you select Move Formatting on Operations:

Enabling this option may affect performance and will be reset once the sheet is changed.

See Using Excel Formatting.

Retain Numeric Formatting When you drill down in dimensions, retains the Excel formatting you have set when selecting the Excel Home ribbon, then Format, and then Format Cells. For example, if you chose to display negative numbers in red, then negative values will be displayed in red as you drill down on any member.

This option is enabled when Use Cell Styles is selected.

Adjust Column Width and Row Height Adjust column widths and row heights to fit cell contents automatically.

See Enabling Automatic Cell Width and Height Adjustment.

Freeze Row and Column Headers Freeze row and column headers in all forms and ad hoc grids dynamically, irrespective of their size and layout.

For example, for Form A with 3 header rows, Smart View freezes the first 3 rows if you have selected this option. Now, if you open Form B with 2 header rows, Smart View recognizes the difference in the number of header rows, and freezes only the top 2 rows automatically, without affecting any data rows.

When you open new forms, you do not have to do any manual changes. This option saves your efforts in reapplying the freeze every time you open a new form. This option is available in Smart View 23.100+.

When you refresh the sheet, perform any ad hoc operations, or make any layout changes, Smart View updates the frozen rows or columns according to the changes. If you click Undo in an ad hoc grid, then the freeze is removed, and it is applied back when you click Refresh.

If you disable this option, the freeze from the rows and columns is removed immediately, so that you can freeze them manually as you require.

Scale Applies to ad hoc and forms. Overrides the setting defined in the form definition.

Choose a positive or negative scaling option, and then click Refresh.

Positive scaling:

Divides original values by factors of 10. For example:

  • 1—All original values are divided by 10:

    cell value/10

    For example, 100/10=10, so 10 will be displayed.

  • 2—All original values are divided by 100: cell value/100

    For example, 100/100=1, so 1 will be displayed after refresh.

  • 3—All original values are divided by 1000:

    cell value/1000

    For example, 100/1000=0.1, so 0.1 will be displayed after refresh.

The pattern is similar for the remaining positive scaling options.

Note that 0 will be displayed if the Decimal Places option is set to Default or 0. However, for a value such as 0.1 to display, the Decimal Places option must be set to 1.

Negative Scaling:

Multiplies original values by factors of 10. For example:

  • -1—All original values are multiplied by 10:

    cell value*10

    For example, 100*10=1000, so 1000 will be displayed.

  • -2—All original values are multiplied by 100: cell value*100

    For example, 100*100=10000, so 10000 will be displayed after refresh.

  • -3—All original values are multiplied by 1000:

    cell value*1000

    For example, 100*1000=100000, so 100000 will be displayed after refresh.

The pattern is similar for the remaining negative scaling options.


Work with the Decimal Places option to achieve the desired display result.

Number Formatting Number Formatting
Use Custom Number Format Select this check box if you want to apply custom formatting to control the display of numbers. Enter a valid format string. For example, $#,##0.000_);[Blue]($#,##0.000).

The custom formatting applies to numbers in Data cells, and does not affect Member cells, Date, and Text content. This option is available in Smart View 23.100+.

If selected, this option overrides other number formatting settings and all fields in the Number Formatting section such as Use Thousands Separator, Decimal Places, and Negative Number Format become disabled and cannot be selected.

If the format is left blank, Excel applies the General number format, which is helpful in scenarios when you want to see raw decimal places in a number to a certain degree as allowed by Excel.

If the format is of Empty or Accounting or Text type, then a data cell with percentage value uses 0% as the default format.


Ensure that you enter a valid format. As the format is not validated, Excel may either revert to the General number format or display random characters and undesired results for invalid formats.

Use Thousands Separator Use a comma or other thousands separator in numerical data. Do not use # or $ as the thousands separator in Excel International Options.
Decimal Places Applies to ad hoc and forms. Overrides the setting defined in the form definition.

Select the decimal places to be displayed for numeric data values. You can select to display up to 30 decimal places and preview the format.

For example, in Smart View, assume the decimal option selected is "1". All values will change one decimal place to the right. If the original value is 50.56, then after refresh the value will be displayed as 50.6. Similarly, if option selected is "3", then the displayed value will be 50.560.

Although Excel supports only 15 digit precision for decimal points based on IEEE standard, you can still use up to 30 decimal places using Excel's formatting options.

The decimal settings in the form definition are lost when you open the form in Smart View. This is because Excel formatting only accepts a single value fixed decimal length/value for precision and does not support the minimum, maximum value defined in the web application. This is the default behavior of Excel formatting and this is the behavior in Smart View as well. In Smart View, users must set the Decimal Places option (precision length) to be able to view the decimal value in cell.


Work with the Scale option to achieve the desired display result.

Negative Number Format Select the format in which negative numbers must be displayed and preview it. This option is available from Smart View 23.100+.

The following formats are available:

  • Default: Displays negative numbers with a minus (-) sign. For example, -125.
  • Parenthesis: Displays negative numbers within parentheses. For example, (125).
  • Red Color: Displays negative numbers in Red font color.
  • Parenthesis and Red Color: Displays negative numbers within parenthesis and in Red font color.


As per Excel’s functionality, the negative numbers are not displayed in Red font color while using the high contrast mode.

Form Form
Repeat Member Labels Facilitates the readability of Oracle Hyperion Planning and Oracle Hyperion Financial Management forms by allowing member names to appear on each row of data.

In forms where repeated members are merged into one cell, member names may be out of the screen view, necessitating much back and forth scrolling between the member names and the row data. Selecting Repeat Member Labels helps make forms easier to read and use.


In forms with row dimension drop-down member selectors enabled and in flex forms, the Repeat Member Labels option is automatically enabled and cannot be cleared.

Show Distinct Page Member Names

Displays distinct page member names or fully qualified names, instead of descriptions, in the Page list for forms.

See Viewing Distinct Page Member Names in Pages for Forms.

The sections that follow list the Formatting Options supported by provider.