Working with Valid Intersections in Page Drop-down Lists

Data source type: Planning

See also:

To select members when valid intersections are enabled in a form:

  1. Open a form.

    The form renders with member selections as specified in the form definition, adhering to your access rights for dimensions, and applies valid intersection groups with the most recently used as current selections.

  2. Verify that the form is enabled for valid intersections by looking for the <Clear Selection> option at the bottom of the Page drop-down member selectors.

    If an application is enabled for valid intersections, the <Clear Selection> option appears at the bottom of the Page drop-down member selectors.

    For example, in Figure 8-3, the <Clear Selection> option is highlighted in the Page drop-down list for the Entity dimension.

    Figure 8-3 The <Clear Selection> Option in the Page Drop-Down Member Selector

    Drop-down member selector for the Entity dimension of a Planning form showing the <Clear Selection> option at the bottom of the member list.
  3. Optional: Select <Clear Selection> in all selectable Page drop-down lists and note that <Select Member> now appears in the Page member selectors.

    For example, in Figure 8-4, the <Select Member> option is displayed in the Page selector for both the Entity and Product dimensions.

    Figure 8-4 The <Select Member> Option in the Page Drop-Down Member Selectors

    In a Planning form, the Entity and Product dimension Page selectors displaying the <Select Member> option.
  4. Make selections in each Page drop-down list, and then click Refresh.
    The form generally behaves as any simple Planning form; however, when working with valid intersections, the selections available to you in the Page selector for a dimension may depend on the member you chose in the Page selector for a different dimension.

Example 8-1 Working with Valid Intersections in Page Drop-down Lists

Valid intersection rules are set up by Planning administrators in the Planning web application. In Figure 8-5, valid intersection rules are set up as follows.

  • When the 403:Sales member is selected in the Entity dimension, all products in the Product dimension are available for selection.

  • When the 410:International Sales member is selected in the Entity dimension, then the members P_260:Game, P_270:Camera, and P_280:Television are not available for selection. All other members are available for selection.

  • When the 421:Sales NorthEast member is selected in the Entity dimension, then the members P_220:Software Suite and P_250:Network Card are not available for selection. All other members are available for selection.

Figure 8-5 Valid Intersections Rules Constructed in Planning Web Application

Shows the valid intersection construction interface in the Planning web.

Now let's see how the rules set up in Figure 8-5 are exposed in Oracle Smart View for Office.

In the following examples, we'll demonstrate the valid intersection rules noted above. We'll select members in Entity and Product to change the point of view of the form, within the scope of the valid intersection rules.

Figure 8-6 shows a newly opened form. The form has five dimensions. We can change the Page member on two of the dimensions.

Figure 8-6 Planning Form with Access to Member Selection on Two Dimensions

Shows Planning form with five total dimensions, including three dimensions in the POV; members can be selected from two Page dimensions, Entity and Product.

According to the valid intersection rules:

  • When the 403:Sales member is selected in the Entity dimension, all products in the Product dimension are available for selection. For example:

    Planning form with 403:Sales selected in the Entity dimension, and drop-down list showing all products available for selection in the Product dimension.
  • When the 410:International Sales member is selected in the Entity dimension, then the members P_260:Game, P_270:Camera, and P_280:Television are not available for selection. All other members are available for selection. For example:

    Planning form with 410:International Sales selected in the Entity dimension, and drop-down list showing all products in the Product dimension except for P_260:Game, P_270:Camera, and P_280:Television available for selection. P_260:Game, P_270:Camera, and P_280:Television are omitted from the list.
  • When the 421:Sales NorthEast member is selected in the Entity dimension, then the members P_220:Software Suite and P_250:Network Card are not available for selection. All other members are available for selection. For example:

    Planning form with 421:Sales NorthEast selected in the Entity dimension, and drop-down list for Product dimension showing all products except for P_220:Software Suite and P_250:Network Card available for selection. P_220:Software Suite and P_250:Network Cardare omitted from the list.

Example 8-2 Working with No Members in Page Drop-down Lists

The scenario shown in Figure 8-7, where there are no members to select from in the Product dimension Page drop-down list, might come about in at least a couple of different ways. For example, the Planning administrator may have configured any of the following:

  • Defined a valid intersection rule that excludes members of the Product dimension when 440:Sales Central is selected for the Entity dimension.

  • Defined a valid intersection rule that excludes P_260:Game, P_270:Camera, and P_280:Television when 440:Sales Central is selected for the Entity dimension, but the form is designed for only those three members.

In either case, when 440:Sales Central is selected for Entity, there are no Product members to select from in the Page drop-down list, and only <Select Member> is displayed.

Figure 8-7 Page Drop-down List with No Available Members to Select

Shows the Entity dimension with 440:Sales Central selected resulting in no members available for selection in the Page drop-down list for the Product dimension.