
Configuration Assistant - Roles node.
Caution: When you use Configuration Assistant to select User or Role records, the system also selects any corresponding security records that are set up for User and Role, including: Action, Solution Explorer, Environment, and Application. The system automatically tags the selected roles with the information provided for the Region and Industry fields that you used when you added the configuration properties while extracting the data.

With the Roles node selected, the Search tab provides these functions:

  • Search button

  • Drop-down list from predefined searches

  • Search Criteria fields:

    • Address Book

      Caution: User input in this field is restricted to numeric data. No alpha characters are allowed in order to avoid database errors.
  • Name

  • Description

  • Region

  • Industry

Note: For any selected records, the non-changeable default load action is to replace records.
Tip: For searches, you can use the drop-down list to select from predefined values for the Region and Industry fields. See Configuration Properties - Advanced Tab for a description of the UDC values that are used by Configuration Assistant to complete the fields selected from the drop-down list.