Using Standard Editing Functions (Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Rename)


All configurations within the JD Edwards Configurations node are read-only. Configuration Assistant logically enables and disables certain standard editing functions as applicable, depending on which tree node you select and the context of the

If you select Delete, there is no direct recovery (or "undo") from within the Configuration Assistant program. However, if you do not perform Save or Save All subsequent to an inadvertent Delete action, you can effectively recover by not saving, then exiting from Configuration Assistant, and then re-entering with the previously saved state.

This section describes these standard editing functions:


The functionality of the standard editing functions is also duplicated with Drag and Drop.

For example, if you want to copy the security roles from JD Edwards Configuration to My Configurations, you can either:

  • In the source JD Edwards Configuration, highlight the Roles node and choose the standard editing function Copy (either from the Edit menu or with a right-click).

    In the target My Configuration, highlight either the Roles node (if it exists), or the Security node (if the Roles node does not exist) and choose the standard editing function Paste.

  • In the source JD Edwards Configuration, highlight the Roles node and drag it.

    In the target My Configuration, drop the Roles node that you are dragging either to the Roles node (if it exists) or the Security node (if the Roles node does not exist).

See also: