Viewing Audit Information

Enter GH9091 in the Fast Path, and select the View Audit and Signature Information menu.

  1. On the Work with Audit and Signature Information form, click the Audit Information link.

  2. On the Work with Audit Information form, complete the appropriate fields to search for the desired information, and then click Find:

    • Table Name

      Search by the name of the table that was audited (Fxxxx).

    • Audit Table Name

      Search by the name of the audit table (Axxxx).

    • Date Updated

      Search by the date the audit record was created.

  3. Select the Matched Audit Records Only check box to refine the records so that the system only displays the audit records (from the F9500003 and F9500004 tables) that match the audit records in the corresponding audit table (Axxxx).

    This filters unmatched audit records that can be created due to a system failure or other circumstance.

    Note: You can also run a batch application that deletes all unmatched records from the table.

    See Removing Unmatched Audit Records.

  4. Click Find.

  5. Select the desired record and click Select.

  6. Select one or a combination of the following options to refine the search, and then click OK:

    • Unique Identifier

    • Table Name

    • Audit Table Name

    • Data Source

    • User ID

    • Address Number

    • Full Name

    • Date Updated

    • Time Last Updated

    • Program ID

    • Machine Key

    • IP Address

  7. To view a report of the audit information in PDF, select the Report Menu, Print Data.

    Note: If multiple users will be using this application, the Temporary Audit Table (F9500005) must be mapped locally.
  8. To view the signature information that corresponds to the audit record, on the Work with Audit Detail Information form, select the Row menu, Link to Signature Info.

  9. On the Work with Signature Information form, to access a blank Search Audit Info form, select the Form menu, Input Search Info.

  10. On the Search Audit Info form, enter the desired search parameters in the appropriate fields, select the corresponding check box, and then click OK.