Viewing Signature Information

Enter GH9091 in the Fast Path, and select the View Audit and Signature Information menu.

  1. On the Work with Audit and Signature Information form, click the Signature Information link.

  2. On the Work with Signature Information form, complete any of these fields and then click Find to search for signature records:

    • Application Name

    • Version

    • Form Name

    • Subform Name

    • Event

      Use this field to search by the event executed when the signature was captured (1 = OK, 2 = Delete)

    • Signature Successful

      Use this field to search by the success or failure value of the approval (0 = Success, 1 = Failure).

  3. Select the desired signature record and click Select.

    Alternatively, from the Row menu select More Info to see additional details about the signature.

  4. On the More Signature Information form, select the Form menu, Link to Audit Info.

  5. On the Work with Audit Information form, to print the signature information in PDF format, select the Report menu, Print Data

    Note: If multiple users will be using this application, the Temporary Audit Table (F9500005) must be mapped locally.