Fixing User Overrides after a Form Change

When you install a package on your workstation, you might have a discrepancy between the changed forms included with the new package and the grid, menu, or toolbar user overrides that you made before the installation. For example, a new column might have been added to a grid for which you have user overrides. After the package installation, the first time that you access the changed form, the system detects the discrepancy between the newly installed form and your existing user overrides. The system asks if you want to fix your user overrides to include the new column or delete your user overrides altogether. If the system cannot fix the discrepancy between the changed form and your user overrides, the system automatically deletes your user overrides.

The system performs this fix only for grid, menu, or toolbar user overrides because all other user overrides, such as an OLE attachment to a form, do not interfere with changes to a form.

The first time that you access a form after a package installation and have a discrepancy between the newly installed form and your user overrides, a message box appears. This box prompts you to either delete your user overrides for that form or have the system try to fix your user overrides to match the changed form.

On the message box that appears, perform one of these tasks:

  • To delete your user overrides, click Delete.

    The system deletes your user overrides for that form. You can add your overrides again by following the process for creating user overrides.

  • To try to fix your user overrides, click Fix.

    The system tries to merge the changes from the newly installed form with your user overrides for that form. If successful, verify that the form works properly with your user overrides. If any errors exist with the grid formats or menu and toolbar customization after the system tries to fix the discrepancy, you should delete your user overrides for that form. On the Work With User Overrides form, select your overrides and then click Delete.

    If the system is unable to merge the changes with your user overrides, the system automatically deletes your user overrides for that form. You can add your overrides again by following the process for creating user overrides.