Configuration Data

This table summarizes the data, environments, central objects (path codes), and packages needed:




You might have these sets of data:

  • Conference Room Pilot (CRP) business data

  • Conference Room Pilot (CRP) control tables

  • Data Dictionary (all environments share)

  • EnterpriseOne pristine data

  • Production business data

  • Production control tables (used by the PD910 environment)

  • Object Librarian (all environments share)

  • System (technical data all environments share)

  • Test business data

  • Test control tables (used by TS910 and DV910 environments)

  • Versions

Central Objects (Path Codes)

You should have these sets of central objects or path codes, which are release-specific:

  • PY910 central objects

  • DV910 central objects

  • PS910 central objects

  • PD910 central objects


The installation process defines the environments, which are as follows:


CRP objects (possibly testing a package you have not released to production users), with data mapped to CRP. The path code is PY910 with table objects mapped to CRP data.


Development objects with test data. The path code is DV910, with table objects mapped to test data.


Pristine objects with EnterpriseOne pristine demo data. The path code is PS910, with objects mapped to EnterpriseOne pristine data.


Production objects with production data. The path code is PD910, with table objects mapped to production data.


CRP objects with test data. The path code is PY910, with table objects mapped to test data.

If you are not planning any development projects, you need only two path codes: PY910 and PD910. You should create a development path code if you plan to do extensive software modification.

The fewer path codes you use, the better. With each additional path code comes version control maintenance that is time consuming unless a good reason exists for the additional path code. Even when making extensive software modifications, you should have only these four path codes (sets of central objects):


This path code contains a practice set of objects that are tested during conference room pilot before transferring objects to production. It is for deploying quick fixes or making minor modifications that you will quickly transfer to production. It can also be used as a place to test modifications that were done in the development path code before taking the risk of transferring them to the production path code.


Use this path code for normal development. Upon successful testing, transfer the objects to the PY910 path code, using Object Transfer, and distribute to the users through a package build and a workstation installation.


This is the set of pristine objects shipped from EnterpriseOne. You should not make changes to this path code other than paper fixes from EnterpriseOne. This path code is used to compare EnterpriseOne standard software to any custom solutions you have implemented in other path codes. You should keep a copy of this path code so that you have a clean copy of the software in case you need to refresh anything.


This is the production path code. Just-in-time installations come directly from this location, and production server objects are also deployed from here. After testing software changes in PY910, transfer them to PD910 and then deploy the changes to the enterprise servers and workstations.


All path codes share the same Object Librarian tables, the same system data source, and, normally, the same data dictionary. The only distinct tables across path codes are central objects/specifications (F987*), Versions List (F983051), and Processing Option Text (F98306).

At EnterpriseOne. we have determined that each package should have an A and B version, and that you alternate between these versions when you build packages.

If you are using both full and partial packages, you would have four packages for each path code. This setup gives you two full packages (A and B) for production and two partial packages (A and B) for production. For example:

  • PD910FA (Standard Production Full A)

  • PD910FB (Standard Production Full B)

  • PD910PA (Standard Production Partial A)

  • PD910PB (Standard Production Partial B)