Data Sources

This table illustrates the data sources and their purpose.

Data Source Name

Owner and Purpose

Business Data - CRP

The owner is CRPDTA.

The library is CRPDTA.

The CRP business data. Before going live, you should copy much of this data to Business Data - PROD.

Business Data - PS910

The owner is PS910DTA.

The library is PS910DTA.

The pristine data shipped with the software.

Business Data - PROD

The owner is PRODDTA.

The library is PRODDTA.

The production business data.

Business Data - TEST

The owner is TESTDTA.

The library is TESTDTA.

The test data entered during CRP or converted from non-EnterpriseOne systems.

Central Objects - PY910

The owner is PY910.

The library is COPY910.

The central objects data source associated with the PY910 path code. After you create and test the modifications in this path code, transfer them to the PD910 path code.

Central Objects - DV910

The owner is DV910.

The library is CODV910.

The central objects data source associated with the DV910 path code. After you create and test the modifications in this path code, transfer them to the PD910 path code.

Central Objects - PS910

The owner is PS910.

The library is COPS910.

The central objects data source associated with the PS910 path code.

Central Objects - PD910

The owner is PD910.

The library is COPD910.

The central objects data source associated with the PD910 path code. Transfer objects into this data source after you have tested them in path code DV910.

Control Tables - CRP

The owner is CRPCTL.

The library is CRPCTL.

The control tables used in the CRP environment.

Control Tables - Prod

The owner is PRODCTL.

The library is PRODCTL.

The control tables used in the production environment.

Control Tables - PS910

The owner is PS910CTL.

The library is PS910CTL.

The control tables used in the PS910 path code.

Control Tables - Test

The owner is TESTCTL.

The library is TESTCTL.

The control tables used in the test environment.

Data Dictionary - 910

The owner is DD910.

The library is DD910.

The single data dictionary that all environments use.


No owner exists.

The data source that defines the local machine to EnterpriseOne. Use it to override reports to the workstation.

machine name

No owner exists.

A value that defines the logic host to EnterpriseOne.

Machine Name - Server Map

The owner is SVM910.

The server map for the logic server.

Object Librarian - 910

The owner is OL910.

The Object Librarian, which is release specific.

Control Tables Local

No owner exists.

The data found in the PSCTL910 MSDE. This data is used only in the planner.

System Local

No owner exists.

The data found in the PSSY910 MSDE. This data is used only in the planner.

Data Dictionary Local

No owner exists.

The data found in the PSDD910 MSDE. This data is used only in the planner.

Object Librarian Local

No owner exists.

The data found in the PSOL910 MSDE. This data is used only in the planner.

Versions Local

No owner exists.

The data found in the PSVL910 MSDE. This data is used only in the planner.

Local - PY910

No owner exists.

The source that contains the User Defined Codes (UDCs): Control Tables - CRP.

Local - DV910

No owner exists.

The source that contains the User Defined Codes (UDCs): Control Tables - Test.

Local - PS910

No owner exists.

The source that contains the User Defined Codes (UDCs): Business Data - PS910.

Local - PD910

No owner exists.

The source that contains User Defined Codes (UDCs): Control Tables - Production.

System - 910

The owner is SY910.

The library is SY910.

The single set of system tables that all environments use.

Versions - PY910

The owner is PY910.

The library is COPY910.

The source that contains the versions list and processing option text tables for the PY910 environment.

Versions - DV910

The owner is DV910.

The library is CODV910.

The source that contains the versions list and processing option text tables for the DV910 environment.

Versions - PS910

The owner is PS910.

The library is PS910.

The source that contains the versions list and processing option text tables for the PS910 environment.

Versions - PD910

The owner is PD910.

The owner is COPD910.

The source that contains the versions list and processing option text tables for the PD910 environment.